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Itami Hiroyuki, Ken Kusunoki, Tsuyoshi Numagami and Akira Takeishi (eds.), Dynamics of Knowledge, Corporate Systems and Innovation. Heidelberg: Springer, 2010.








武石彰「イノベーションの経済・経営思想」諸富徹編『資本主義経済システムの展望(岩波講座 現代 第3巻)』岩波書店、2016年所収、137-164頁。




武石彰「技術経営(MOT)」一橋大学イノベーション研究センター監修『一橋ビジネスレビュー 2010年 別冊No.1 はじめての経営学』、2010年所収、88-95頁。







Takeishi, Akira and Tsuyoshi Numagami, “Boundaries of Innovation and Social Consensus Building : Challenges for Japanese Firms.” In Itami, Hiroyuki, Ken Kusunoki, Tsuyoshi Numagami and Akira Takeishi (eds.), Dynamics of Knowledge, Corporate Systems and Innovation. Heidelberg: Springer, 2010, pp. 25-42.

Takeishi, Akira, Yaichi Aoshima and Masaru Karube, “Reasons for Innovation: Legitimizing Resource Mobilization for Innovation in the Cases of Okochi Memorial Prize Winners” In Itami, Hiroyuki, Ken Kusunoki, Tsuyoshi Numagami and Akira Takeishi (eds.), Dynamics of Knowledge, Corporate Systems and Innovation. Heidelberg: Springer, 2010, pp. 165-189.



Nagaoka, Sadao, Akira Takeishi and Yoshihisa Noro, “Determinants of Firm Boundaries: Empirical Analysis of the Japanese Auto Industry from 1984 to 2002.” Journal of the Japanese and International Economies, 22, 2008, pp. 187-206.*









Takeishi, Akira and Kyoung Joo Lee, “Mobile Innovation and the Music Business in Japan: The Case of Ringing Tone Melody (“Chaku-Mero”).” In Stuart Barnes and Eusebio Scornavacca (eds.) Unwired Business: Cases in Mobile Business. Hershey: Idea Group Publishing, 2006, pp. 1-13.

Takeishi, Akira and Yaichi Aoshima, “Case Study Shimano: Market Creation Through Component Integration.” In Herstatt, Cornelius, Christoph Stockstrom, Hugo Tschirky, and Akio Nagahira (eds.) Management of Technology and Innovation in Japan. Berlin: Springer, 2006, pp. 29-48.


Takeishi, Akira and Kyoung Joo Lee, “Mobile Music Business in Japan and Korea: Copyright Management Institutions as a Reverse Salient.” Journal of Strategic Information Systems, Vol. 14, No. 3, 2005, pp. 291-306. *


藤原雅俊、武石彰「花王 酵素入りコンパクト洗剤「アタック」の開発」『一橋ビジネスレビュー』531号、2005年、102-121頁。


Takeishi, Akira and Takahiro Fujimoto, “Modularization in the Car Industry: Interlinked Multiple Hierarchies of Product, Production, and Supplier Systems.” In Prencipe, Andrea, Andrew Davis and Michael Hobday (eds.), The Business of System Integration. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003, pp. 254-278




武石彰「アーキテクチャという視点」『中小公庫マンスリー』Vol.50 No.120031月、12-19頁。

武石彰、青島矢一「ビジネスケース シマノ:部品統合による市場の創造」『一橋ビジネスレビュー』501号、2002年、158-177頁。

Takeishi, Akira, “Knowledge Partitioning in the Inter-Firm Division of Labor: The Case of Automotive Product Development.” Organization Science, Vol. 13, No. 3, 2002, pp.321-338. *

Takeishi, Akira and Takahiro Fujimoto, “Modularization in the Auto Industry: Inter-linked Multiple Hierarchies of Product, Production, and Supplier Systems.” International Journal of Automotive Technology and Management, Vol. 1, No. 4, 2001, pp.379-396.





下川浩一、武石彰「21世紀を迎えた欧州自動車産業の新動向調査:VW、ルノー、コンチネンタル、PSAを中心に」『法政大学経営学会 経営志林』383号、2001年、55-71頁。





Takeishi, Akira, “Bridging Inter- and Intra-Firm Boundaries: Management of Supplier Involvement in Automobile Product Development.” Strategic Management Journal, Vol. 22. No. 5, May 2001, pp.403-433. *


下川浩一、武石彰「世界的再編の渦中にある欧州自動車産業の基本動向とその実態調査」『法政大学経営学会 経営志林』374号、2001年、121-150頁。

武石彰「自動車産業のサプライヤー・システムに関する研究:成果と課題」『社会科学研究』 Vol.52No.1200010月、25-50頁。

藤本隆宏、武石彰、延岡健太郎「自動車産業の世界的再編:規模こそ全て?」『ビジネスレビュー』 Vol.47No.2199910月、11-25頁。




Fujimoto, Takahiro and Akira Takeishi, “Automobile Industry.” In Japan Commission on Industrial Performance (ed.), Made in Japan: Revitalizing Japanese Manufacturing for Economic Growth. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 1997, pp.71-95.

Fujimoto, Takahiro and Akira Takeishi, “An International Comparison of Productivity and Product Development Performance in the Auto Industry.” In Ryoshin Minami, Kwan S. Kim, Fumio Makino, and Joung-Hae Seo (eds.), Acquiring, Adapting and Developing Technologies: Lessons from the Japanese Experience. London: Macmillan Press, 1995, pp. 249-280.


武石彰、川原英司「システム安定とディーラーシステム」『ビジネスレビュー』 Vol.41 No.31994237-50頁。


Cusumano, Michael and Akira Takeishi, “A Comparative Analysis of Suppliers to Japanese and U.S. Auto Plants.” In Negandhi, A. and M. Serapio, Jr. (eds.), Research in International Business and International Relations. CT: JAI Press, 1992, pp. 153-171.

藤本隆宏、武石彰「日本の自動車産業の生産性」『組織科学』 Vol.26No.41993236-43頁。

Cusumano, Michael A. and Akira Takeishi, “Supplier Relations and Management: A Survey of Japanese, Japanese Transplants, and U.S. Auto Plants.” Strategic Management Journal, Vol. 12, No. 8, November 1991, pp.563-588. *



Takeishi, Akira, “Strategic Management of Supplier Involvement in Automobile Product Development.” Unpublished Ph.D. Dissertation, MIT Sloan School of Management, February 1998.

Takeishi, Akira, “A Study of Supplier Relationships in the American and Japanese Automotive Industries,” Unpublished Master's Thesis, MIT Sloan School of Management, May 1990.









Takeishi, Akira and Yoshihisa Noro, “Keiretsu Divergence in the Japanese Auto Industry: Why Have Some, but not All, Gone?.” CEAFJP Discussion Paper, Fondation France-Japon, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, August, 2017.

Takeishi, Akira, “Inter-firm Division of Labor in the Japanese Auto Industry at a Crossroards: Where Have Some (not All) Keiretsu Gone?.” Research Note, Fondation France-Japon, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Septemnber, 2016.



Takeishi, Akira, Yaichi Aoshima and Masaru Karube, “Reasons for Innovation: Legitimizing Resource Mobilization for Innovation in the Case of Okochi Memorial Prize Winners.” Working Paper WP#07-10, Institute of Innovation Research, Hitotsubashi University, November 2007.



Nagaoka, Sadao, Akira Takeishi and Yoshihisa Noro, “Determinants of Firm Boundaries: Empirical Analysis of the Japanese Auto Industry from 1984 to 2002.” NBER Working Paper No. 13063, April 2007. (


Zhu, Ying, Akira Takeishi and Seiichiro Yonekura, “The Timing of Technological Innovation:The Case of Automotive Emission Control in the 1970s.” Working Paper WP#06-05, Institute of Innovation Research, Hitotsubashi University, May 2006.


朱穎、武石彰、米倉 誠一郎「技術革新のタイミング:1970年代における自動車排気浄化技術の事例」一橋大学イノベーション研究センター・ワーキングペーパーWP#05-1720057月。


Takeishi, Akira and Kyoung Joo Lee, “Divergent Paths of Mobile Innovation: Development of Mobile Music Businesses in Japan and Korea,” Working Paper WP#05-10, Institute of Innovation Research, Hitotsubashi University, April 2005.

藤原雅俊、武石彰「花王 酵素入りコンパクト洗剤「アタック」の開発」一橋大学イノベーション研究センター・ケーススタディCASE#04-13200410月。

尹諒重、武石彰「東洋製罐 タルク缶の開発一橋大学イノベーション研究センター・ケーススタディCASE#04-1220049月。


Takeishi, Akira and Kyoung Joo Lee, “Mobile Music Business in Japan and Korea: Copyright Management Institutions as a Reverse Salient (revised)" Working Paper WP#04-02, Institute of Innovation Research, Hitotsubashi University, February 2004.

Takeishi, Akira and Kyung Joo Lee, “Mobile Music Business in Japan and Korea: Copyright Management Institution as a Reverse Salient.” Working Paper WP#03-22, Institute of Innovation Research, Hitotsubashi University, October 2003.

Takeishi, Akira and Kyung Joo Lee, “Mobile Innovation and the Music Business in Japan: The Case of Ringing Tone Melody (“Chaku-Mero”).” Working Paper WP#03-08, Institute of Innovation Research, Hitotsubashi University, May 2003.


Fujimoto, Takahiro and Akira Takeishi, “Automobiles: Strategy-Based Lean Production System.” ITME Discussion Paper #82, Faculty of Economics, Tokyo University, June 2001 (Working Paper WP#01-08, Institute of Innovation Research, Hitotsubashi University, June 2001).

Takeishi, Akira and Takahiro Fujimoto, “Modularization in the Auto Industry: Inter-linked Multiple Hierarchies of Product, Production, and Supplier Systems.” Working Paper WP#01-02, Institute of Innovation Research, Hitotsubashi University, February 2001.




Takeishi, Akira, “Knowledge Partitioning in the Inter-Firm Division of Labor: The Case of Automotive Product Development” Working Paper WP#99- 12, Institute of Innovation Research, Hitotsubashi University, July 1999.

Nishiguchi, Toshihiro, Shingo Oue and Akira Takeishi, “Auto Component Development Performance: New Evidence from International Automotive Survey.” Working Paper WP#99- 09, Institute of Innovation Research, Hitotsubashi University, May 1999.

Nishiguchi, Toshihiro, Shingo Oue and Akira Takeishi, “Are Japanese Suppliers Really Productive in Component Development? New Evidence from International Automotive Survey” Working Paper, International Motor Vehicle Program, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, May 1999.


Takeishi, Akira, “Bridging Inter- and Intra-Firm Boundaries: Management of Supplier Involvement in Automobile Product Development” Working Paper WP#98-09, Institute of Innovation Research, Hitotsubashi University, November 1998.


Takeishi, Akira and Michael A. Cusumano, “What We Have Learned and Have Yet To Learn from Manufacturer-Supplier Relations in the Auto Industry.” Working Paper #3840-BPS-95, MIT Sloan School of Management, 1995.







赤岡功、武石彰、李在鎬、姜判国、陳韻如、井村直恵、光田稔、平野実「企業経営シンポジウム 今、企業環境を考える:グローバルマーケットでいかに生き残るか」『県立広島大学経営情報学部論集』第2号、2010年、207-225頁。


武石彰(書評)「スコット・ アンソニー、マーク・ジョンソン、ジョセフ・シンフィールド、エリザベス・アルトマン『イノベーションへの解:実践編』(翔泳社)」『日本経済新聞(朝刊)』2008112日。

伊丹敬之、武石 彰「(巻頭言)特集にあたって: 日本経営学の最前線 I: 知識・企業・イノベーションのダイナミクス」『一橋ビジネスレビュー』554号、2008年、4-7頁。


Jarvenpaa, Sirkka, Akira Takeishi and Bertil Thorngren, “(Editorial) The Future is UNWIRED: Organizational and Strategic Perspectives.” Journal of Strategic Information Systems, Vol. 14, No. 3, 2005, pp. 243-244.

米倉誠一郎、武石 彰、生稲史彦「(巻頭言)特集にあたって:日本のコンテンツ・ビジネス」『一橋ビジネスレビュー』53巻3号、2005年、4-5頁。

武石 彰、ジェフリー・ファンク「(巻頭言)特集にあたって: デジタル・コンペティション」『一橋ビジネスレビュー』52巻1号、2004年、4-5頁。








一橋大学イノベーション研究センター、ケンジコミュニケーションズ「MOTV (Management of Technology Video) 2 イノベーションの世紀:技術と社会」シリーズ(ビデオ教材全4作品ならびに使用の手引き)、20053月。

一橋大学イノベーション研究センター、ケンジコミュニケーションズ「MOTV 1 イノベーションの世紀:アメリカの革新」シリーズ(ビデオ教材全9作品ならびに使用の手引き)、20042月。




"Research Plan at FFJ de l'EHESS" Centre d'Etudes Avacees Franco-Japonais de Paris, Fondation France-Japon, Ecole des Hautes en Sciences Sociales, Paris, France, November 18, 2015.

"Rethinking the Japanese Inter-firm Relations"Korean Academy of Management Conference, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea, October, 2012.

"Reasons for Innovation: Creating Legitimacy for Resource Mobilization" International Symposium on Socially and Technically Symbiotic Systems, Okayama University, Okayama, August 3, 2012.


"Determinants of Firm Boundaries: Empirical Analysisi of the Japanese Auto Industry from 1984 to 2008” Kyoto University and Hosei University Joint International Workshop: The Boundary of the Firm and Collective Knowledge Management: Reprogramming Business Institutions for Open Innovation, Kyoto University, Kyoto, January 2012. (with Tatsuya Kikutani)

"Rethinking Keiretsu in the Japanese Auto Industry: Where Have Some (not all) Keiretsu Gone?” Paper Development Workshop: Management of Boundaries and Japanese Firms' Innovation, Kyoto University, Kyoto, November 2011. (with Tatsuya Kikutani)



“Determinants of Firm Boundaries: Empirical Analysis of the Japanese Auto Industry from 1984 to 2008” FRIDA Project Workshop: Moving Beyond Boundaries: Pursuing through Inter-firm Networking, Alma Graduate School, Bologna, Italy, November 2010. (with Tatsuya Kikutani)


“The Timing of Technological Innovation: The Case of Automotive Emission Control in the 1970s.” 17th GERPISA International Colloquium, La Sorbonne, Paris, France , June  2009.






“Reasons for Innovation: Legitimizing Resource Mobilization for Innovation in the Case of Okochi Memorial Prize Winners” Seminar at Graduate School of International Corporate Strategy, Hitotsubashi University, Tokyo, Japan, February 6, 2007.

“Boundaries of Innovation and Social Consensus Building: Challenge for Japanese Firms” International Conference on Dynamics of Knowledge, Corporate System and Innovation, Karuizawa, Japan, December 14-16, 2007. (with Tsuyoshi Numagami)

“Reasons for Innovation: Legitimizing Resource Mobilization for Innovation in the Case of Okochi Memorial Prize Winners” International Conference on Dynamics of Knowledge, Corporate System and Innovation, Karuizawa, Japan, December 14-16, 2007. (with Yaichi Aoshima)

“Firm Boundaries of Japanese OEMs from 1984 to 2002” The Korean Academy of Motor Industry, Seoul, Korea, October 2007.


“Determinants of Firm Boundaries: The Case of the Japanese Auto Industry” The 15th GERPISA International Colloquium, Paris, France, June 2007. (with Yoshihisa Noro)



“Determinants of Firm Boundaries: Empirical Analysis of the Japanese Auto Industry from 1984 to 2002” The 20th Annual TRIO (NBER-CEPR-TCER) Conference on Organizational Innovation and Firm Performance, Tokyo, December 2006. (with Sadao Nagaoka)



“The Timing of Technological Innovation: The Case of Automotive Emission Control in the 1970s.” International Schumpeter Society 11th ISS Conference, Sophia-Antipolis, France, June  2006. (with Ying Zhu)

“Business Ecosystem and Reverse Salient: The Development of the Mobile Music Business in Japan and Korea.” Helsinki Mobility Roundtable, Helsinki, Finland, June 2006. (with Kyoung Joo Lee)


“Structural Changes in the Japanese Supplier System,” IMVP-MMRC Asia Pacific Forum, Tokyo, October 2005.

“Structural Changes in the Japanese Supplier System,” IMVP-IPS Asia Pacific Forum, Seoul, October 2005.

“Structural Changes in the Japanese Supplier System,” IMVP Researchers Meeting, Philadelphia, June 2005.

Have Japanese Firms Really Revived? Preliminary Findings from “The End of Japan?” Project,” International Conference of the Hitotsubashi COE Program on “Knowledge, Innovation and the Japanese Corporate System,” Tokyo, March 2005. (with Yaichi Aoshima)

“The Japanese Auto Industry: Why Has It Remained Competitive?” “End of Japan?” Project Meeting, Hawaii, January 2005.

“Mobile Music Business in Japan and Korea: Copyright Management Institutions as a Reverse Salient," Austin Mobility Roundtable, Austin, March 2004. (with Kyoung Joo Lee)

“Competitiveness of the Japanese Auto Industry,” “End of Japan?” Project Meeting, Hawaii, January 2004.

「日本のサプライヤーシステムの構造変化」Auto Industry Symposium: The 2003 RIETI - HOSEI - MIT IMVP Meeting、東京、20039月。

“Mobile Innovation and the Music Business in Japan: The Case of Ringing Tone Melody (“Chaku-Mero”),” Stockholm Mobility Roundtable, Stockholm, May 2003. (with Kyoung Joo Lee)

“Toward Strategy-Based Lean Production System: The Past, Present, and Future of the Japanese Auto Industry,” “End of Japan?” Project Meeting, Hawaii, January 2003.



“Moduralization and Outsourcing: Report on Japan,” MIT International Motor Vehicle Annual Meeting, London, March 2001.

“Moduralization and Outsourcing: Report on Japan,” MIT International Motor Vehicle Program Tokyo Forum, Tokyo, May 2000.

“Moduralization and Outsourcing: Report on Japan,” CoKEAS Workshop, Bordeaux, France, March 2000.

“Moduralization and Outsourcing: Report on Japan,” MIT International Motor Vehicle Annual Meeting, Cambridge, USA, October 1999.



“Internal Capabilities for Competitive Outsourcing,” Symposium for Supply Chain Management and Information Technology at Vanderbilt University, Nashville, USA, October 1998.


“Bridging Inter- and Intra-Firm Boundaries: Management of Supplier Involvement in Automobile Product Development,” Mitsubishi International Conference, Zushi, August 1998.











「日本の終焉?:日本の産業・企業競争力の総点検と復活のシナリオ」科学研究費補助金(基盤研究A2)、2003-2005年度(研究分担者。共同研究者:青島矢一、Michael CusumanoEleanor Westney他)。

MOT教育用映像教材の開発」(MOTVManagement of Technology Video1「イノベーションの世紀:アメリカの革新」及びMOTV2「イノベーションの世紀:技術と社会」委託研究費(三菱総合研究所)、2003年度(2002年度補正予算)、2004年度(開発担当者。共同開発者:米倉誠一郎、青島矢一、ケンジコミュニケーションズ他)。

「モバイル・イノベーション研究プログラム」委託研究費(NTT DoCoMo、日本電気、富士通、KDDIJフォン)、一橋大学イノベーション研究センター、2001-2007年度(共同研究者:米倉誠一郎、Jeffrey Funk他)。




Massachusetts Institute of Technology, International Motor Vehicle Program, 1994-.



組織学会、Academy of Management進化経済学会。



『一橋ビジネスレビュー』(編集委員、アソシエイト・エディター)、『組織科学』(編集委員長:2009-2013)、International Journal of Automotive Technology and Management



『一橋ビジネスレビュー』、『一橋商学論叢』、『経済論叢』『日本経営学会誌』、『組織科学』、IEEE Transactions on Engineering ManagementJournal of Operations ManagementJournal of Strategic Information SystemsJournal of the Japanese and International Economics、Management Science、Research Policy、Sloan Management ReviewStrategic Management Journal、Technovation、The Kyoto Economic Review
