
Deil S. Wright
(University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)

I. Prominent Domestic Policy Issues in the U.S.A.
A. Prominent Domestic Policy Issues in the U.S.A.
1. Economy
2. Education
3. Environment
B. Second-Order Issues
1. Values and Morality
2. Socio-Economic and Ethnic Cleavages
3. Governance Issues (reforms)
II. Governance Reform(s): Devolution
A. Meaning and Character
B. Governments in the U.S.A.
1. Systems and Structures
2. Units, Officials, Employees
C. Planes of Governance
1. Federalism (FED)
2. Intergovernmental Relations (IGR)
3. Intergovernmental Management (IGM)
1. Types of Actors (PEGs, AAGs, PPPs)
2. Comparisons of Concepts
3. Prominence/Dominance of Management
III. Devolution Reform in the 20th Century
A. From Separation to Overlapping (Circles of Authority)
B. Five "New" Federalisms (From Layer Cake to Picket Fence FED)
C. Eight Phases of IGR (Five IGR Phases in Japan)
IV. Interjurisdictional Influence (Changes in the 1990s)
A. Federal Aid ("carrots") to States
B. National Sanctions ("sticks") on States
V. Resurgence of the American States
A. Public Administration Revolution in the States: 1940s (Then) to 1990s (Now)
B. Administrative Capacity: Agency Growth
C. Administrative Competence: State Agency Heads
D. Governors Rising Political Influence
E. Fiscal Strength: Functional Outlays and Tax Revenues
VI. Prospects for Devolution: Evolutionary not Revolutionary
A. General System Characteristics (Four D's)
B. National Deference (Forbearance)
C. State Assertiveness (Reinvention, Centralization)
D. Local Governance (Civic Infrastructure)
E. Public Opinion (Trust/Confidence and Evaluation of Governments)
