A Study of Structures and Functions of Japanese Seed System: The Case of Vegetable Seed

Shuji HISANO, Hokkaido University


       While the public sector exclusively undertakes the basic research, plant breeding, seed production and distribusion work in the main crop seed system, the private sector plays a dominant role in the vegetable seed system. The purpose of this paper is to clarify the structural and functional characteristics of the seed system, paying close attention to the case of vegetable seed.
       The seed system is formed by a "pyramid structure" and "complicated distribution channels". This is due to the fact that the seed system handles not only the seed as goods, but also the systematic information of the variety and cultivation techniques. This structure is also a result of functional characteristics such as i)research and breeding function, ii)farm guidance function and iii)supply and quality control function. Seed has an importance far beyond its direct cash value because of its influence on agricultural productivity and food quality. Therefore, it is important to point out the justification and necessity for public sector involvement, especially because many transnational corporations are trying to strenghen their control over plant genetic resources and the pace of  commercialization of biotechnology and the reinforcement of intellectual property rights are speeded up.

  (The Review of Agricultural Economics [Hokkaido University], No.54, pp.21-37, 1998)