Dean, Professor, Ph.D. (Economics)
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Graduate School of Economics, Kyoto University,
Office No 614,
Yoshida, Sakyo, Kyoto 606-8501, Japan
Phone & FAX: +81-75-753-3477
E-mail: ida(at) (at)=@
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Born in Niigata Prefecture of Japan in 1965, I graduated from the Faculty of Economics, Kyoto University in 1989 and received Ph.D. in Economics in 1997 from Kyoto University. I am currently Professor of the Graduate School of Economics of Kyoto University. I have been a visiting scholar at the University of Illinois, the University of Cambridge, and the University of California. I specialize in applied microeconomics and applied empirical economics. My research interests include behavioural economics, field experiments, causal inference, and machine learning. My publications include Broadband Economics: Lessons from Japan (Routledge), Smart Grid Economics (Yuhikaku), Broadband Economics (Nikkei Publishing Inc.). I have received the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Award, the Yahoo Paper Award from the Japanese Association for Behavioural Economics, the Japan Society for Applied Economics (JSAE) Award, the Okawa Foundation Publication Award, the DoCoMo Mobile Science Incentive Award, and others.
Recently Selected Papers:
[1] Ito, K., T. Ida, and M. Tanaka (2023) “Selection on Welfare Gains: Experimental Evidence from Electricity Plan Choice,” American Economic Review vol.113.11: 2937–2973.
[2] Murakami, K., H. Shimada, Y. Ushifusa, and T. Ida (2022) “Heterogeneous Treatment Effects of Nudge and Rebate: Causal Machine Learning in a Field Experiment on Electricity Conservation,” International Economic Review vol.63.4: 1779-1803.
[3] Wang, W., T. Ida, and H. Shimada (2020) “Default Effect versus Active Decision: Evidence from a Field Experiment in Los Alamos,” European Economic Review vol.128: 1-20.
[4] Ito, K., T. Ida, M. Tanaka (2018) “Moral Suasion and Economic Incentives: Field Experimental Evidence from Energy Demand,” American Economic Journal: Economic Policy vol. 10.1: 240-267.
1990-1995 Kyoto University, Graduate School of Economics, Kyoto, Japan
- M.A. degree in Economics, March 1992
- Doctoral degree in Economics, January 1997
- (Ph.D. thesis: Essays on Decision Theory under Uncertainty)
1985-1989 Kyoto University, Faculty of Economics, Kyoto, Japan
- B.A. degree in Economics, March 1989
Work Experience:
2000-Present: Kyoto University, Graduate School of Economics, Kyoto, Japan
- Associate Professor, April 2000 - March 2007
- Professor, April 2007 - Present
- Vice Dean, April 2015 - March 2017
Dean, April 2021 - March 2024
1995 - 1999: Konan University, Faculty of Economics, Kobe, Japan
- Assistant Professor, April 1995 - March 1997
- Associate Professor, April 1997 - March 1999
2011-2012: University of California Berkeley, Goldman School of Public Policy, Berkeley, U.S.A.
- Fulbright Visiting Scholar, August 2011 - July 2012
2011-2012: Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Demand Response Research Center, Berkeley, U.S.A.
- Fulbright Visiting Scholar, August 2011 - July 2012
2005: University of Cambridge, Wolfson College, Cambridge, U.K.
- Visiting Scholar, July - September 2005
2001 - 2002: University of Cambridge, Department of Applied Economics and Wolfson College, Cambridge, U.K.
- Visiting Scholar, July 2001 - July 2002
1997-1998: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Department of Economics, Illinois, U.S.A
- Visiting Scholar, August 1997 - August 1998
Research Field (As of March 2011):
Applied Micor Economics, Applied Micro Econometrics;
Smart Grid Economics, Telecommunications Economics, and Behavioral Economics;
- Econometric Analysis of Smart Grid Project (joint with Makoto Tanaka et al.)
- Economic Analysis of Demand Substitutability of Smart Phone and Feature Phone (joint with Toshifumi Kuroda)
- Economic Analysis of Academic Innovation Management (joint with Naomi Fukuzawa, et al.)
- April 2025 Research Distinguished Professor, Graduate School of Economics, Kyoto University
June 2024 Best Paper Award, Information and Communication Society of Japan
June 2022 Best Paper Award, Information and Communication Society of Japan
- November 2019 2nd Yahoo Best Paper Award, Behavioral Economics Society of Japan
- September 2011 The Fulbright Grantee (Visiting Scholar)
- March 2010 The JSPS (Japan Society for the Promotion of Science) Awards
- November 2007 The Japan Association for Applied Economics Prize
- November 2007 The Okawa Publications Prize
- October 2007 The DoCoMo Mobile Science Prize for the Young Researchers
- June 2002 The Japan Society of Public Utility Economics Prize for Young Researchers
- September 1990 The TELECOM Social Science Award for Student
Book (written in English):
[1] Ida, T. (2009) Broadband Economics: Lessons from Japan, Routledge (Taylor & Francis Group): London, pp.290, January 2009.
[2] Ida, T., K. Ito, and M. Tanaka (2024) Smart Grid Economics: A Field Experimental Approach to Demand Response, Springer Nature, 139pp.
Refereed Articles (written in English):
[1] Ida, T. and M. Suda (2004) "The Cost Structure of the Japanese Railway Industry: The Economies of Scale and Scope and the Regional Gap of the Japan Railway after the Privatization," International Journal of Transport Economics vol.31.1: 23-37.
[2] Ida, T. and T. Kuwahara (2004)"Regulatory Reform of Japan's Electric Power Industry: Economies of Scale-and-Scope and Yardstick Competition," Asian Economic Journal vol.18.4: 423-438.
[3] Ida, T. (2004) "Bottleneck Monopolies and Network Externalities in Network Industries," Evolutionary and Institutional Economics Review vol.1.1: 85-105.
[4] Ida, T. and S. Asai (2005) "The Regional Cost Gap of the Japanese Local Telecommunications Services," Papers in Regional Science vol.84.2: 183-199.
[5] Ida, T. (2005) "Analysis of Internet Topology with a Three-Components Model," Managerial and Decision Economics vol.26.8: 527-534.
[6] Ida, T. and T. Kuroda (2006) "Discrete Choice Analysis of Demand for Broadband in Japan," Journal of Regulatory Economics vol.29.1: 5-22.
[7] Ida, T., E. Itoh, and S. Kinoshita (2007) "Post-regulatory Reform Productivity Gains in Japan's Electricity Industry," Applied Economics Letters vol.14.13: 975 - 979.
[8] Goto, R., S. Nishimura, and T. Ida (2007) "Discrete Choice Experiment of Smoking Cessation Behaviour in Japan," Tobacco Control vol.16.5: 336-343.
[9] Ida, T., S. Kinoshita, and M. Sato (2008) "Conjoint Analysis of Demand for IP Telephony: The Case of Japan," Applied Economics vol.40.10: 1279-1287 .
[10] Ida, T. and M. Anbashi (2008) "Analysis of Vertical Separation of Regulator under Adverse Selection," Journal of Economics vol.93.1: 1-29.
[11] Ida, T. and Y. Horiguchi (2008) "Consumer Benefits of Public Services over FTTH in Japan: Comparative Analysis of Provincial and Urban Areas by Using Discrete Choice Experiment," Information Society vol. 24.1: 1-17.
[12] Ida, T. and K. Sakahira (2008) "Broadband Migration and Lock-in Effects: Mixed Logit Model Analysis of Japan's High-speed Internet Access Service," Telecommunications Policy vol. 32.9: 615-625.
[13] Ida, T. and T. Kuroda (2009) "Discrete Choice Model Analysis of Demand for Mobile Telephone Service in Japan," Empirical Economics vol.36.1: 65-80.
[14] Ida, T. and R. Goto (2009) "Simultaneous Measurement of Time and Risk Preferences: Stated Preference Discrete Choice Modeling Analysis Depending on Smoking Behavior," International Economic Review vol.50.4: 1169-1182.
[15] Goto, R., Y. Takahashi, S. Nishimura, and T. Ida (2009) "A Cohort Study to Examine Whether Time and Risk Preference Is Related to the Smoking Cessation Success," Addiction vol.104.6: 1018-1024.
[16] Ida, T. and R. Goto (2009) "Interdependency among Addictive Behaviors and Time/Risk Preferences: Discrete Choice Model Analysis of Smoking, Drinking, and Gambling," Journal of Economic Psychology vol.30.4: 608-621.
[17] Ida, T. (2010) "Anomaly, Impulsivity, and Addiction," Journal of Socio-Economics vol.39.2: 194-203.
[18] Ida, T. (2010) "Coevolution of Product Quality and Consumer Preferences," Journal of Bioeconomics vol.12.2: 101-117.
[19] Watanabe, N., R. Nakajima, and T. Ida (2010) "Quality-Adjusted Prices of Japanese Mobile Phone Handsets and Carriers' Strategies," Review of Industrial Organization vol.36.4: 391-412.
[20] Ida, T., R. Goto, Y. Takahashi, and S. Nishimura (2011) "Can Economic-Psychological Parameters Predict Successful Smoking Cessation?," Journal of Socio-Economics vol.40.3: 285-295.
[21] Goto, R., Y. Takahashi, and T. Ida (2011) "Changes of Smokers' Attitudes to Intended Cessation Attempts in Japan," Value in Health vol.14.5: 785-791..
[22] Ida, T. (2012) "Beyond Mobile Number Portability: Measuring Consumer Preferences for Service Portability in Japan's Mobile Phone Market," Applied Economics vol.44.26: 3357-3369.
[23] Ida, T. and K. Ogawa (2012) "Measuring the Inequality Aversion Rate, the Social Discount Rate, and the Time Discount Rate Using a Hypothetical Dictator Game," International Journal of Social Economics vol.39.5: 314-329.
[24] Ida, T. and N. Fukuzawa (2013) "Effects of Large-Scale Research Funding Programs: A Japanese Case Study," Scientometrics vol. 94.3: 1253-1273.
[25] Tanaka, M. and T. Ida (2013) "Voluntary Electricity Conservation of Households after the Great East Japan Earthquake: A Stated Preference Analysis," Energy Economics vol. 39: 296-304.
[26] Ida, T. (2014) gA Quasi-Hyperbolic Discounting Approach To Smoking Behavior,h Health Economics Review vol. 4.5: 1-11.
[27] Ida, T., K. Murakami, and M. Tanaka (2014) gA Stated Preference Analysis of Smart Meters, Photovoltaic Generation, and Electric Vehicles in Japan: Implications for Penetration and GHG Reduction,h Energy Research & Social Science vol.2: 75-89.
[28] Tanaka, T., T. Ida. K. Murakami, and L. Friedman (2014) gConsumers' Willingness To Pay for Alternative Fuel Vehicles: A Comparative Analysis between US and Japan,h Transportation Research A vol.70: 194-209.
[29] Ida, T., K. Takemura, and M, Sato (2014) gInner Conflict between Nuclear Power Generation and Electricity Rates: A Japanese Case Study,h Energy Economics vol. 48: 61-69.
[30] Pilar Baquero Forero, M.d., T. Ida, and T. Kuroda, (2015) gInstitutions and Cultural Heterogeneity as Determinants of National Income: A Random-coefficients Stochastic Frontier Model,h Review of Development Economics vol. 19.3: 710-724..
[31] Ogawa, K. and T. Ida (2015) "Power of Individual Characteristics in Hypothetical Dictator Game Experiments," Review of Social Economy vol. 73.2, 176|195..
[32] Murakami, K., T. Ida, M. Tanaka, and L. Friedman (2015) gConsumersf Willingness to Pay for Renewable and Nuclear Energy: A Comparative Analysis between the US and Japan,hEnergy Economics vol. 50: 178-189.
[33] Ida, T., K. Murakami, and M. Tanaka (2016) gElectricity Demand Response in Japan: Experimental Evidence from a Residential Photovoltaic Generation System,h Economics of Energy & Environmental Policy vol. 5.1: 73-88.
[34] Fukuzawa, N. and T. Ida (2016) gScience Linkages between Scientific Articles and Patents for Leading Scientists in the Life and Medical Sciences Field: The Case of Japan,h Scientometrics vol. 106.2: 629-644.
[35] Ito, K., T. Ida, M. Tanaka (2018) gMoral Suasion and Economic Incentives: Field Experimental Evidence from Energy Demand,hAmerican Economic Journal: Economic Policy vol. 10.1: 240-267.
[36] Kuroda, T., T. Koguchi, and Ida, T. (2019) gIdentifying the Effect of Mobile Operating Systems on the Mobile Services Market,h Information Economics and Policy vol. 46: 86-95.
[37] Ida, T., N. Motegi, and Y. Ushifusa (2019) gBehavioral Study of Personalized Automated Demand Response in Workplaces,h Energy Policy vol.132: 1009-1016.
[38] Wang, W., T. Ida, and H. Shimada (2020) “Default Effect versus Active Decision: Evidence from a Field Experiment in Los Alamos,” European Economic Review vol.128: 1-20.
[39] Ishihara, T. and T. Ida (2022) “The Effect of Information Provision on Stated and Revealed Preferences: A Field Experiment on the Choice of Power Tariffs Before and After Japanese Retail Electricity Liberalization,” Environmental and Resource Economics vol.82.3: 573-599.
[40] Murakami, K., H. Shimada, Y. Ushifusa, and T. Ida (2022) “Heterogeneous Treatment Effects of Nudge and Rebate: Causal Machine Learning in a Field Experiment on Electricity Conservation,” International Economic Review vol.63.4: 1779-1803.
[41] Nakamura, N. and T. Ida (2023) “Delineating zero-price markets with network effects: An analysis of free messenger services,” Journal of Competition Law & Economics vol.19.1: 177–192..
[42] Ito, K., T. Ida, and M. Tanaka (2023) “Selection on Welfare Gains: Experimental Evidence from Electricity Plan Choice,” American Economic Review vol.113.11: 2937–2973.
[43] Kawamura, T., T. Ida, and K. Ogawa (2024) “Synergy between Monetary and Non-Monetary Interventions: Experimental Evidence on Crowdfunding Techniques for R&D in New Energy Sources,” Applied Economics April: 1–15.
[44] Carnerero, D., T. Tanaka1, M. Li, T. Hatanaka, Y. Wasa, K. Hirata, Y. Ushifusa, and T. Ida (2024) “Net-Zero Energy House-oriented Linear Programming for the Sizing Problem of Photovoltaic Panels and Batteries,” IEEE Access vol. 12: 80429-80441.
[45] Kinoshita, K., M. Sato, and T. Ida (2024) "Bayesian Probability Revision and Infection Prevention Behavior in Japan: A Quantitative Analysis of the First Wave of COVID-19," Research in Economics vol.78.4: 100986.
Papers under Review (written in English):
[1] Tanaka, K., Y. Kurakawa, T. Ishihara, K. Akao, and T. Ida (2021) "Moral utility or Moral Tax? Experimental Study of Electricity Conservation by Social Comparison," Submitted.
[2] Ida, T., T. Ishihara, K. Ito, D. Kido, T. Kitagawa, S. Sakaguchi, and S. Sasaki (2022) "Choosing Who Chooses: Selection-Driven Targeting in Energy Rebate Programs," conditionally accepted at Econometrica.
[3] Sato, M., S. Kinoshita, T Ida (2023) “Subjective Risk Valuation and Behavioral Change : Evidence from COVID-19 in the U.K. and Japan,” Submitted.
[4] Ishihara, T., T. Tomizuka, R. Goto, T. Ida (2024) “Nudging Physical Activity: A Randomized Controlled Field Experiment,” Submitted.
Book Chapter Articles (written in English):
[1] Ida, T. and M. Ueda (2004) "The Interconnection and Pricing of the Internet," M. Kagami, M. Tsuji, and E. Giovannetti (eds.), Information Technology Policy and the Digital Divide, Edwards Elgar: 282-302 (Reprint of Ida, T. and M. Ueda (2002) "The Interconnection and Pricing of the Internet," M. Kagami and M. Tsuji (eds.), Digital Divide or Digital Jump: Beyond IT Revolution, IDE-JETRO: 168-190).
[2] Ida, T. (2006) "The Broadband Market in Japan," R. Taplin and M. Wakui (eds.), Japanese Telecommunications Market and Policy in Transition, Routledge: 37-64.
[3] Ida, T. (2006) "Broadband, Information Society, and National System in Japan," M. Fransman (ed.), Global Broadband Battles, Stanford University Press: 65-86.
[4] Ida, T. and R. Goto (2016) gInterdependency Among Addictive Behaviours and Time/Risk Preferences: Discrete Choice Model Analysis of Smoking, Drinking, and Gambling,h S. Ikeda, H. Kato, F. Ohtake, and Y. Tsutui (eds.) Behavioral Economics of Preferences, Choices, and Happiness, Springer: 153-178 (Reprint of Ida, T. and R. Goto (2009) "Interdependency among Addictive Behaviors and Time/Risk Preferences: Discrete Choice Model Analysis of Smoking, Drinking, and Gambling," Journal of Economic Psychology vol.30.4: 608-621).
[5] Ida, T. and R. Goto (2016) gSimultaneous Measurement of Time and Risk Preferences: Stated Preference Discrete Choice Modeling Analysis Depending on Smoking Behavior,h S. Ikeda, H. Kato, F. Ohtake, and Y. Tsutui (eds.) Behavioral Economics of Preferences, Choices, and Happiness, Springer: 27-48 (Reprint of Ida, T. and R. Goto (2009) "Simultaneous Measurement of Time and Risk Preferences: Stated Preference Discrete Choice Modeling Analysis Depending on Smoking Behavior," International Economic Review vol.50.4: 1169-1182).
[6] Ida, T., Y. Ushifusa, K. Tanaka, K. Murakami, and T. Ishihara (2020) “Behavioral Study of Demand Response: Web-Based Survey, Field Experiment, and Laboratory Experiment,” Economically Enabled Energy Management, Springer: 117-151.
[7] Ida, T. and Y. Ushifusa (2024) “Behavioral Economics and Its Applications for Energy Consumption,” Present and Future of Evolutionary Economics: Japanese Perspectives, Springer: 169-183.
Other Selected Academic Articles (written in English):
[1] Ida, T. (2000)"Dynamic Model of Health Investment: Theoretical and Empirical Analysis of the Influence of Risks over Time and Age on Medical Expenditure," Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management vol. 5.3: 2069-2075.
[2] Ida, T. (2002) "Price Discrimination and Universal Service," Kyoto University Economic Review vol.150/151: 43-64.
[3] Ida, T. and T. Kuroda (2005) "Demands for Broadband Access to Internet: A Lesson from Japan," Proceedings at European Communications Policy Research (EURO CPR) 2005.
[4] Ida, T. and M. Sato (2007) "Conjoint Analysis of Consumer Preferences for Broadband Services in Japan," Kyoto Economic Review vol.75.2: 115-126.
[5] Ida, T. and K. Sakahira (2010) "Estimating Interdependencies between Japan's Broadband and Mobile Phone Subscriptions," Empirical Economics Letters vol.9.11: 1009-1016.
[6] Ida, T. and T. Kuroda (2010) "Considering Fixed-Mobile Convergence Service as a Two-Sided Market," Proceedings at The 18th Biennial Conference of the International Telecommunications.
[7] Ida, T. and T. Kuroda (2011) "Optimum Pricing Strategy for Fixed-line Internet and Mobile Phone Services: A Two-sided Market Approach," Empirical Economics Letters vol.10.8.
[8] Ida, T., M. Tanaka, and K. Murakami (2011) "Forecasting the Diffusion of Smart Meters, Photovoltaic Generation, and Electric Vehicles in Japan: A Stated Preference Approach," Proceedings at the 33rd Annual APPAM Research Conference, November 3, 2011.
[9] Ida, T., K. Murakami, and M. Tanaka (2012) gKeys to Smart Home Diffusion: A Stated Preference Analysis of Smart Meters, Photovoltaic Generation, and Electric/Hybrid Vehicles,h presented at the 19th Annual Conference of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, Prague, Czech Republic, June 30, 2012.
[10] Ida, T., K. Ito, and M. Tanaka (2013) gHow Do Consumers Respond to Dynamic Pricing? Experimental Evidence of Variable Critical Peak Electricity Pricing in Japan,h presented at the 18th Annual POWER Conference on Energy Research and Policy, Berkeley, California, USA, March 22, 2013.
[11] Ito, K., T. Ida, and M. Tanaka (2013) gUsing Dynamic Electricity Pricing to Address Energy Crises: Evidence from Randomized Field Experiments,h presented at the 36th Annual National Bureau of Economic Research Summer Institute, Environmental & Energy Economics, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, July 22, 2013.
[12] Ida, T. (2013) gDemand Response Field Experiments in Economics,h presented at the U.S.-Japan Collaborative Smart Grid Project Collective Research Workshop 2013, Santa Ana Pueblo, New Mexico, USA, December 4, 2013.
[13] Ida, T. and W. Wang (2014) gField Experiment on Dynamic Electricity Pricing in Los Alamos,h presented at the Smart Community Japan 2014, Tokyo, Japan, June 19, 2014.
[14] Ida, T., K. Ito, and M. Tanaka (2014) gConservation Request, Dynamic Pricing and Energy Saving Behavior: Social experiment of Kyoto,h presented at the 1st Behavior, Energy & Climate Change Conference BECC JAPAN 2014, Tokyo, Japan, September 16, 2014.
[15] Ida, T. and W. Wang (2014) gField Experiment on Dynamic Electricity Pricing in Los Alamos,h presented at the 6th International Conference on Integration of Renewable and Distributed Energy Resources (IRED), Kyoto, Japan, November 21, 2014.
[16] Ito, K., T. Ida, and M. Tanaka (2015) gUsing Dynamic Electricity Pricing to Address Energy Crises: Evidence from Randomized Field Experiments,h presented at the Allied Social Science Associations / American Economic Association, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, January 5, 2015.
[17] Ida, T. and W. Wang (2015) gA Field Experiment on Dynamic Electricity Pricing in Los Alamos: Opt-in Versus Opt-out,h presented at Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (AERE) 4th Annual Summer Conference, San Diego, California, USA, June 3-5, 2015.
[18] Ida, T. (2015) gThe Demand Response in the 4 Japanese Smart Communities and their Results,h presented at Experimenting Smart Communities in Europe and Japan: From Eco-District to Smart Cities: Which Role for Mobility?, Lyon, France, September 16-17, 2015.
[19] Kuroda, T, Koguchi, T., and T Ida (2015) "An empirical analysis of consumers' concerns about privacy through using the internet," presented at the 2015 Regional Conference of the International Telecommunications Society (ITS), Los Angeles, California, USA, October 25-28, 2015.
[20] Koguchi, T., T Kuroda, and T Ida (2015)"The impact of asymmetric regulation on product bundling: The case of fixed broadband and mobile communications in Japan," presented at the 2015 Regional Conference of the International Telecommunications Society (ITS), Los Angeles, California, USA, October 25-28, 2015.
[21] Ito, K., T. Ida, and M. Tanaka (2016) gInformation Frictions, Inertia, and Selection on Elasticity: A Field Experiment on Electricity Tariff Choice,h presented at the 39th Annual National Bureau of Economic Research Summer Institute, Environmental & Energy Economics, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, July 26, 2016.
[22] Ito, K., T. Ida, and M. Tanaka (2016) gInformation Frictions, Inertia, and Selection on Elasticity: A Field Experiment on Electricity Tariff Choice,h presented at Advances with Field Experiments 2016, Chicago, Illinois, USA, September 15, 2016.
[23] Ito, K., T. Ida, and M. Tanaka (2017) gInformation Frictions, Inertia, and Selection on Elasticity: A Field Experiment on Electricity Tariff Choice,h presented at the Allied Social Science Associations / American Economic Association, Chicago, Illinois, USA, January 7, 2017.
[24] Ito, K., T. Ida, and M. Tanaka (2017) gInformation Frictions, Inertia, and Selection on Elasticity: A Field Experiment on Electricity Tariff Choice,h presented at the Midwest Economics Associations, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA, March 30, 2017.
[25] Ida, T., N. Motegi, and Y. Ushifusa (2017) gBehavioral Study of Personalized Automated Demand Response in Workplaces,h presented at the JST-NSF-RCN Workshop on Distributed Energy Management Systems, Tokyo, Japan, June12, 2017.
[26] Kuroda, T., T. Koguchi, and T. Ida (2017) gIdentifying the Effect of Mobile Operating Systems on the Mobile Services Market,h presented at the 14th International Telecommunications Society (ITS) Asia-Pacific Conference, Kyoto, Japan, June 24-27.
[27] Ida, T., N. Motegi, and Y. Ushifusa (2017) gBehavioral Study of Personalized Automated Demand Response in Workplaces,h presented at the 23rd Annual Conference of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, Athens, Greece, June 28 | July 1, 2017.
[28] Ito, K., T. Ida, and M. Tanaka (2017) gInformation Frictions, Inertia, and Selection on Elasticity: A Field Experiment on Electricity Tariff Choice,h presented at the Honoring Dan McFaddenfs 80th birthday Conference, Los Angeles, Califonia, USA, July 28, 2017.
[29] Ito, K., T. Ida, and M. Tanaka (2017) gInformation Frictions, Inertia, and Selection on Elasticity: A Field Experiment on Electricity Tariff Choice,h presented at the NBER Japan Project Meeting, Tokyo, Japan, July 31, 2017.
[30] Ida, T. (2019) gSmart Grid Economics: The Evidence-based Policy Created through Field Experiments, Behavioral Economics, and Big Data,h International Choice Modelling Conference, Kobe, Japan, August 20, 2019.
[31] Murakami, K., H. Shimada, Y. Ushifusa, and T. Ida (2021) gHeterogeneous Treatment Effects of Nudge and Rebate: Causal Machine Learning in a Field Experiment on Electricity Conservation,h The 26th Annual Conference of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists June 23, 2021.
[32] Ida, T., Ishihara, T., Ito, K., Kido, D., Kitagawa, T., Sakaguchi, S., & Sasaki, S. (2021) “Paternalism, Autonomy, or Both? Experimental Evidence from Energy Saving Programs,” Berkeley Energy Camp October 5, 2021.
[33] Ida, T., Ishihara, T., Ito, K., Kido, D., Kitagawa, T., Sakaguchi, S., & Sasaki, S. (2022) “Paternalism, Autonomy, or Both? Experimental Evidence from Energy Saving Programs,” 2022 Virtual Asia Pacific ESA Meeting March 16, 2022.
[34] Ida, T., T. Ishihara, K. Ito, D. Kido, T. Kitagawa, S. Sakaguchi, and S. Sasaki (2022) “Paternalism, Autonomy, or Both? Experimental Evidence from Energy Saving Programs,” North American Summer Meetings of the Econometric Society, Miami, Florida, USA, June 16-19, 2022.
[35] Ida, T., T. Ishihara, K. Ito, D. Kido, T. Kitagawa, S. Sakaguchi, and S. Sasaki (2022) “Paternalism, Autonomy, or Both? Experimental Evidence from Energy Saving Programs,” International Association of Applied Econometrics 2022, London, UK, June 21-24, 2022.
[36] Ida, T., K. Kawaguchi, T. Kuroda, and S. Sato (2022) gMulti-Product Quality Competition and Bundling: The Case of Telecommunication Industry,h ITS 31st European Conference 2022, Gothenburg, Sweden, 20th | 21st June 2022.
[37] Ida, T., T. Ishihara, K. Ito, D. Kido, T. Kitagawa, S. Sakaguchi, and S. Sasaki (2022) gChoosing Who Chooses: Selection-Driven Targeting in Energy Rebate Programs,h 2022 Asian Meeting of the Econometric Society in East and South-East Asia, Tokyo, Japan, 10th August 2022.
[38] Ida, T., T. Ishihara, K. Ito, D. Kido, T. Kitagawa, S. Sakaguchi, and S. Sasaki (2023) "Choosing Who Chooses: Selection-Driven Targeting in Energy Rebate Programs," presented at the Annual National Bureau of Economic Research Summer Institute, Public Economics, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, July 25, 2023.
Discussion Papers (written in English):
[1] Ida, T. (1997) "Evolutionary Stability of System Compatibility," Kyoto University, Institute of Economic Research, Center for the Study of Complex Economic Systems, Discussion Paper No.A-1
[2] Ida, T. (2002) "Regulatory Reform of Japanfs Electric Power Industry: Economies of Scale-and@Scope and Yardstick Competition," Graduate School of Economics, Kyoto University, Working Paper No. 57, with T. Kuwahara.
[3] Ida, T. and S. Asai (2002) "On the Regional Gap of the Japanese Local Telecommunications," Graduate School of Economics, Kyoto University, Working Paper No. 58.
[4] Ida, T. and M. Suda (2002) "The Cost Structure of the Japanese Railway Industry: The Economies of Scale and Scope and the Regional Gap of the Japan Railway after the Privatization," Graduate School of Economics, Kyoto University, Working Paper No. 59.
[5] Ida, T. (2002) "Theoretical and Empirical Analysis of the Influences of Risks over Time and with Age on Medical Expenditures: Evidence from the Japanese One-Person Households," Graduate School of Economics, Kyoto University, Working Paper No. 60.
[6] Ida, T. (2003) "On the Coevolution of the Product Quality and the Consumer Preference," Graduate School of Economics, Kyoto University, Working Paper No. 66.
[7] Ida, T. (2003) "Analysis of Internet Topology with Three-Components Model," Graduate School of Economics, Kyoto University, Working Paper No. 67.
[8] Ida, T. (2004) "Bottleneck Monopolies and Network Externalities in Network Industries: Introduction to Network Economics," Graduate School of Economics, Kyoto University, COE21 Discussion Paper No. 15.
[9] Ida, T. and M. Sato (2004) "Conjoint Analysis of Consumer Preferences for Broadband Services in Japan," Graduate School of Economics, Kyoto University, COE21 Discussion Paper No. 32.
[10] Ida, T. and T. Kuroda (2004)"Discrete Choice Analysis of Demand for Broadband in Japan," Graduate School of Economics, Kyoto University, COE21 Discussion Paper No. 37.
[11] Ida, T. (2004) "The Broadband Market in Japan," Graduate School of Economics, Kyoto University, COE21 Discussion Paper No. 49.
[12] Ida, T. and M. Anbashi (2004) "Analysis of Vertical Separation of Regulator under Adverse Selection," Graduate School of Economics, Kyoto University, COE21 Discussion Paper No. 50.
[13] Ida, T., E. Itoh and S. Kinoshita (2004) "Post-regulatory Reform Productivity Gains in Japan's Electricity Industry," Graduate School of Economics, Kyoto University, COE21 Discussion Paper No. 51.
[14] Ida, T. and T. Kuroda (2005) "Discrete Choice Model Analysis of for Mobile Telephone Demand in Japan," Graduate School of Economics, Kyoto University, COE21 Discussion Paper No.90.
[15] Ida, T., S. Kinoshita, M. Sato (2005) "Conjoint Analysis of Demand for IP Telephony: A Case in Japan," Graduate School of Economics, Kyoto University, COE21 Discussion Paper No.91.
[16] Ida, T. and Y. Horiguchi (2006) "Consumer Benefits of Public Services over FTTH in Japan: Comparative Analysis of Provincial and Urban Areas by Using Discrete Choice Experiment," Graduate School of Economics, Kyoto University, COE21 Discussion Paper No.112.
[17] Ida, T. and R. Goto (2006) "Simultaneous Measurement of Time and Risk Preferences: Stated Preference Discrete Choice Modeling Analysis Depending on Smoking Behavior," Graduate School of Economics, Kyoto University, COE21 Discussion Paper No.113.
[18] Goto, R., S. Nishimura, and T. Ida (2006) "Discrete Choice Experiment of Smoking Cessation Behaviour in Japan," Graduate School of Economics, Kyoto University, COE21 Discussion Paper No.115.
[19] Ida, T. and K. Sakahira (2007) "Broadband Migration and Lock-in Effects: Mixed Logit Model Analysis of Japan's High-speed Internet Access Service," Graduate School of Economics, Kyoto University, COE21 Discussion Paper No.120.
[20] Ida, T. and K. Sakahira (2007) "Fixed-mobile Convergence and Lock-in Effects: Mixed Logit Model Analysis of Japan's Broadband and Mobile Phone," Graduate School of Economics, Kyoto University, COE21 Discussion Paper No.136.
[21] Ida, T. and R. Goto (2007) "Interdependency among Addictive Behaviors and Time/Risk Preferences: Discrete Choice Model Analysis of Smoking, Drinking, and Gambling," Graduate School of Economics, Kyoto University, COE21 Discussion Paper No.138.
[22] Ida, T. (2008) "Horizontal Merger Entailing Efficiency Gain:Merger Remedy, Asymmetric Information, and Incomplete Enforcement," Graduate School of Economics, Kyoto University, COE21 Discussion Paper No.152.
[23] Ida, T., R. Goto, Y. Takahashi, and S. Nishimura (2008) "Can economic-psychological parameters predict successful smoking cessation?," Graduate School of Economics, Kyoto University, Working Paper No. 96.
[24] Ida, T. (2008) "Consumer preferences for service portability in Japan's mobile phone market," Graduate School of Economics, Kyoto University, Working Paper No. 97.
[25] Goto, R., Y. Takahashi, S. Nishimura, and T. Ida (2008) "Time and risk preference parameters and the success of smoking cessation," Graduate School of Economics, Kyoto University, Working Paper No. 98.
[26] Ida, T. (2008) "Anomaly, Impulsivity, and Addiction," Graduate School of Economics, Kyoto University, Working Paper No. 100.
[27] Watanabe, N., R. Nakajima, and T. Ida (2009) "Quality-Adjusted Prices of Mobile Phone Handsets and Careers' Product Strategies: The Japanese Case," Department of Social Systems and Management Discussion Paper Series No. 1224.
[28] Ida, T. (2009) " Can Economic-Psychological Parameters Account for Smoking Status? Time Preference, Risk Aversion, and Anomaly," Graduate School of Economics, Kyoto University, Working Paper No. 107.
[29] Ida, T. and T. Kuroda (2009) "Considering Fixed-Mobile Convergence Service as a Two-Sided Market," Graduate School of Economics, Kyoto University, Working Paper No. 109.
[30] Goto, R., Y. Takahashi, and T. Ida (2010) "Attitudes towards Tobacco Control Policy and Changes in Cessation Attempts in Japan," Graduate School of Economics, Kyoto University, Working Paper No. 116.
[31] Pilar Baquero Forero, M.d., T. Kuroda , and T. Ida (2010) "Cultural Determinants of Countries Management Efficiency: A Random Coefficients Stochastic Frontier Approach," Project Center, Graduate School of Economics, Kyoto University, Working Paper 10-12.
[32] Ida, T. and K. Ogawa (2010) "Measuring the Inequality Aversion Rate, the Social Discount Rate, and the Time Discount Rate Using a Hypothetical Dictator Game," Project Center, Graduate School of Economics, Kyoto University, Working Paper 10-13.
[33] Ida, T. (2012) "Impatience and Immediacy: A Quasi-Hyperbolic Discounting Approach to Smoking Behavior," Project Center, Graduate School of Economics, Kyoto University, Working Paper 11-10.
[34] Ida, T., K. Murakami, and M. Tanaka (2012) "Keys to Smart Home Diffusion: A Stated Preference Analysis of Smart Meters, Photovoltaic Generation, and Electric/Hybrid Vehicles," Project Center, Graduate School of Economics, Kyoto University, Working Paper 11-11.
[35] Ida, T. and N. Fukuzawa (2012) "Effects of Large-Scale Research Funding Programs: A Japanese Case Study," Project Center, Graduate School of Economics, Kyoto University, Working Paper 11-12.
[36] Tanaka, M., T. Ida, K. Murakami, and L Friedman (2013) gConsumers' Willingness to Pay for Alternative Fuel Vehicles: Comparative Analysis Between US and Japan,h GSPP Working Paper, University of California, GSPP13-001.
[37] Ida, T., K. Takemura, and M, Sato (2014) gInner Conflict between Nuclear Power Generation and Electricity Rates: A Japanese Case Study,h Project Center, Graduate School of Economics, Kyoto University, Working Paper E14-003.
[38] Murakami, K., T. Ida, M. Tanaka, and L. Friedman (2014) gConsumersf willingness to pay for renewable and nuclear energy: A comparative analysis between the US and Japan,h GSPP Working Paper, University of California, GSPP14 August.
[39] Fukuzawa, N. and T. Ida (2014) gScience linkages focused on star scientists in the life and medical sciences: The case of Japan,h Project Center, Graduate School of Economics, Kyoto University, Working Paper E14-006.
[40] Ida, T. and W. Wang (2014) gA Field Experiment on Dynamic Electricity Pricing in Los Alamos,h Project Center, Graduate School of Economics, Kyoto University, Working Paper E14-010.
[41] Ito, K., T. Ida, M. Tanaka (2015) gThe Persistence of Moral Suasion and Economic Incentives: Field Experimental Evidence from Energy Demand,h NBER Working Paper Series 20910.
[42] Ida, T., K. Murakami, and M. Tanaka (2015) gElectricity Demand Response in Japan: Experimental Evidence from a Residential Photovoltaic Generation System,h Project Center, Graduate School of Economics, Kyoto University, Working Paper E15-006.
[43] Ida, T., N. Motegi, and Y. Ushifusa (2016) gBehavioral Study of Personalized Automated Demand Response in Workplaces,h Graduate School of Economics, Kyoto University, Discussion Paper E-16-010.
[44] Kuroda, T., T. Koguchi, and Ida, T. (2017) gIdentifying the Effect of Mobile Operating Systems on the Mobile Services Market,h Graduate School of Economics, Kyoto University, Discussion Paper E-17-04.
[45] Kawamura, T., T. Ida, and K. Ogawa (2018) gSimultaneous Effect of Monetary and Non-Monetary Interventions on Crowd-Funding Field Experimental Evidence: R&D in New Sources of Energy,h Graduate School of Economics, Kyoto University, Discussion Paper E-18-05.
[46] Murakami, K. and T. Ida (2019) gDeregulation and status quo bias: Evidence from stated and revealed switching behaviors in the electricity market in Japan,h Graduate School of Economics, Kyoto University, Discussion Paper E-19-01.
[47] Ida, T. and R. Okui (2019) gCan information alleviate overconfidence? A randomized experiment on financial market predictions,h Graduate School of Economics, Kyoto University, Discussion Paper E-19-05.
[48] Ishihara, T. and T. Ida (2019) "The Effect of Information Provision on Stated and Revealed Preferences: A Field Experiment on the Choice of Power Tariffs Before and After Japanese Retail Electricity Liberalization," Graduate School of Economics, Kyoto University, Discussion Paper E-19-06.
[49] Ishihara, T, T. Tomizuka, R. Goto, T. Ida (2019) "Nudging Physical Activity: A Randomized Controlled Field Experiment," Graduate School of Economics, Kyoto University, Discussion Paper E-19-09.
[50] Kenta Tanaka, Yukihide Kurakawa, Takunori Ishihara, Ken-ichi Akao, and Takanori Ida (2019) "Moral utility or Moral Tax? Experimental Study of Electricity Conservation by Social Comparison," Graduate School of Economics, Kyoto University, Discussion Paper E-19-11.
[51] Murakami, K., H. Shimada, Y. Ushifusa, and T. Ida (2020) “Heterogeneous Treatment Effects of Nudge and Rebate: Causal Machine Learning in a Field Experiment on Electricity Conservation“ Graduate School of Economics, Kyoto University, Discussion Paper E-20-03.
[52] Ito, K., T. Ida, and M. Tanaka (2021) gSelection on Welfare Gains: Experimental Evidence from Electricity Plan Choice,h NBER Working Paper Series 28413.
[53] Nakamura, N. and T. Ida (2021) “Delineating zero-price markets with network effects:An analysis of free messenger services,” Kyoto University, Graduate School of Economics Discussion Paper Series No. E-21-002.
[54] Ida, T., T. Ishihara, K. Ito, D. Kido, T. Kitagawa, S. Sakaguchi, and S. Sasaki (2021) “Paternalism, Autonomy, or Both? Experimental Evidence from Energy SavingPrograms,” arXiv:2112.09850.
[55] Shin Kinoshita, Masayuki Sato, Takanori Ida (2022) "Bayesian Probability Revision and Infection Prevention Behavior in Japan : A Quantitative Analysis of the First Wave of COVID-19," Kyoto University, Graduate School of Economics Discussion Paper Series No. E-22-004.
[56] Ida, T., T. Ishihara, K. Ito, D. Kido, T. Kitagawa, S. Sakaguchi, and S. Sasaki (2022) gChoosing Who Chooses: Selection-Driven Targeting in Energy Rebate Programs,h NBER Working Paper Series 30469.
[57] Sato, M., S. Kinoshita, T Ida (2023) “Subjective Risk Valuation and Behavioral Change : Evidence from COVID-19 in the U.K. and Japan,” Kyoto University Graduate School Discussion Paper Series No. E-22-011.
[58] Ida, T., T. Ishihara, K. Ito, D. Kido, T. Kitagawa, S. Sakaguchi, and S. Sasaki (2024) “Dynamic Targeting: Experimental Evidence from Energy Rebate Programs,” NBER Working Paper Series 32561.
Genraral Articles (Newspaper etc.):
[1] Ida, T. (2010) "Scientific Research Must Receive Quantitative Evaluations, Complemented by Qualitative Evaluations by Experts," Nihon Keizai Shimbun (Japan Economy Newspaper), June 2, 2010.
[2] Ida, T. (2011) "Emerging Smart Grid in Japan Time from Technological Testing to Successful Social Implementation," Nihon Keizai Shimbun (Japan Economy Newspaper), November 4, 2011.
[3] Ida, T. (2013) "Can the smart grid save us from the power crisis?" Nihon Keizai Shimbun (Japan Economy Newspaper), January 25, 2013.
Ida, T. (2014) "Power Reforms and Daily Life," Nihon Keizai Shimbun (Japan Economy Newspaper), March 31 - April 11, 2014.
[5] Ida, T. (2017) "Full deregulation of electricity retail market, 1 year on,"
Nihon Keizai Shimbun (Japan Economy Newspaper), March 20, 2017.
Other Publications (written in Japanese):
- 10 books
[1] Ida, T. (1997) Economics of Uncertainty and Decision Making, Nihon Hyoron Sya: Tokyo.
[2] Ida, T. (2001) Network Economics, Nihon Hyoron Sya: Tokyo.
[3] Ida, T. (2007) Broadband Economics, Nihon Keizai Shinbunsya: Tokyo.
[4] Ida, T., R. Goto, and S. Nishimura (2009) Behavioral Health Economics, Nihon Hyoron Sya: Tokyo.
[5] Ida, T. (2010) Challenging Behavioral Economics, Chuo Koron Sya: Tokyo.
[6] Ida, T. (2011) Economics of Next Generation Internet, Iwanami Shinsyo: Tokyo.
[7] Ida, T. (2013) Modern Economics, Housou Daigaku Kyoiku Shinkokai: Tokyo.
[8] Ida, T. (2016) Economics of Mind, Tikuma Shinsyo: Tokyo.
[9] Ida, T., M. Tanaka, K. Ito (2017) Smart Grid Economics, Tikuma Shinsyo: Tokyo.
[10] Ida, T. (2019) Modern Economics (2nd), Housou Daigaku Kyoiku Shinkokai: Tokyo.
[11] Ida, T. (2023) Economics of Data Science, Iwanami Syuppann: Tokyo.