Publications |
[ Journal Articles ]
- "Joint provision of transportation infrastructure", Economics of Transportation, 19, 100118, 2019[Working Paper Version]
- "Hub port competition and welfare effects of strategic privatization", 2014, Economics of Transportation, Vol. 3, No. 3, pp. 211-220, (Achim Czerny, Felix Hoeffler, and Se-il
Mun), [Working Paper Version]
- "The Organization of Multiple Airports in a Metropolitan Area", 2012, Journal of Transport Economics and Policy, Vol. 46, No. 2, pp. 221-237, (Se-il Mun and Yusuke Teraji)[Working Paper Version]
- "Carpooling and Congestion Pricing: HOV and HOT Lanes", 2010, Regional Science and Urban Economics, Vol.40, pp. 173-186, (Hideo
Konishi and Se-il Mun) [Working Paper Version].
- "Pricing and Investment of Cross-border Transport Infrastructure", 2010, Regional Science and Urban Economics, Vol. 40, pp.228-240, (Se-il
Mun and Shintaro Nakagawa).[Working Paper Version]
- "Road Pricing in a Serial Network", 2008, Journal of Transport Economics and Policy, Vol. 42, No. 3, pp.
367-395, (Se-il Mun and Ki-Jung Ahn)
- "Cross-border Transport Infrastructure and Aid Policies", 2008, Annals of Regional Science, Vol. 42, pp. 465-486, (Se-il Mun, Shintaro Nakagawa)
- "Flex time, traffic congestion and urban productivity", 2006, Journal of Transport Economics and Policy, Vol. 40, pp. 329-358,
(Se-il Mun, Makoto Yonekawa).
- "Optimal Cordon Pricing in a Non-Monocentric City", 2005, Transportation Research A, 39, 723-736, (Se-il Mun, Ko-ji Konishi,
Kazuhiro Yoshikawa).
- "Private goods provided by local governments", 2005, Regional Science and Urban Economics, Vol.35, pp.23-48, (Kazunori Akutagawa, Se-il Mun).
- ."Second-Best Congestion Pricing in Urban Space: Cordon Pricing and
Its Alternatives", 2004, Review of Network Economics, Vol.3, pp.401-414, (Takamasa Akiyama,
Se-il Mun, Masashi Okushima).
- "Optimal cordon pricing", 2003, Journal of Urban Economics, Vol.54, pp.21-38, (Se-il Mun, Ko-ji
Konishi, Kazuhiro Yoshikawa).
- "Peak-load pricing of a bottleneck with traffic jam", 1999, Journal of Urban Economics, Vol. 46, pp.323-349.
- "Transport network and system of cities", 1997, Journal of Urban Economics, Vol.42, pp.205-221.
- "A dynamic analysis of multiple-center formation in a city", 1996, Journal of Urban Economics Vol.40, 257-278, (Komei Sasaki and Se-il
- "An empirical analysis of office rent and agglomeration economy: A
case study of Toronto", 1995, Journal of Regional Science, Vol.35, pp.437-455, (Se-il Mun and
Bruce G. Hutchinson).
- "Telecommunication technologies and optimal location of office firms", 1994, Interdisciplinary Information Sciences, Vol.1, pp.109-119.
- "Traffic jams and the congestion toll", 1994, Transportation Research B, Vol.28, pp.365-375
- "Communication among firms, traffic congestion and office agglomeration", 1993 The Annals of Regional Science, Vol.27, pp.61-77, (Se-il Mun,
Kazuhiro Yoshikawa).
- "Effects of urban transportation system change on land prices in the
setting of owner-occupied residence", 1992, Journal of Urban Economics, Vol.32, pp.351-366, (Se-il Mun, Komei Sasaki)
- "Simulation Model Applied to Japanese Expressway" ASCE(American Society of Civil Engineers) Journal of Transportation Engineering,
Vol.110, No.1, 1984, pp.94-111, iYasuji Makigami, Tsunehiko Nakanishi,
Se-il Kim)
[ Chapters in Books ]
- "Empirical Analysis of Transport Cost for Interregional Trade", in Kakuya Matsushima and William P. Anderson
(eds.), "Transportation, Knowledge and Space in Urban and Regional Economics" Edward Elgar, 2018,
(Yoko Konishi, Se-il Mun, Yoshihiko Nishiyama and Ji-eun Sung)
- "The Effects of Flex-Time on Traffic Patterns with Bottleneck Congestion", 2006, in Structural Change in Transportation and Communications in the Knowledge
Society, ed. by K. Kobayashi et al., Edward-Elgar, pp.295-312, (Se-il Mun, Makoto
Yonekawa) .
- "The Economic System of Small-to-Medium Sized Regions in Japan" in Theories of Endogenous Regional Growth, ed. by B. Johansson, C. Karlsson, and R. Stough, Springer, 2001, pp.209-230, (Se-il Mun, Komei Sasaki).
- "Impacts of developments in telecommunication systems on travel demand and the location of office firms", 1993, in The Cosmo-Creative Society, ed. by A.E.Andersson, D.F.Batten, K.Kobayashi and K.Yoshikawa, Springer-Verlag,
- "A Land Use Model for Spatial Policy Analysis and Multi-Criteria Evaluation of Regional Development Planning", 1986, in Toward Interactive and Intelligent Decision Support Systems, ed. by Y. Sawaragi et al., Springer-Verlag, pp.190-199, (Kazuhiro Yoshikawa,
Kiyoshi Kobayashi and Seil Mun).
[ Unpublished papers ]