- Takanori Ida
- Position:
- Professor(Graduate School of Economics, Kyoto University)
- Degree:
- Ph.D. (Economics) , Kyoto University
- Specialty:
- Smart Grid Economics, Telecommunications Economics, Research Policy Economics, and Behavioral Economics
- Current Research Interests:
- We bring together advanced economic theory, cutting-edge statistical knowledge and empirical methods,
to bridge the gap between the frontiers of social and scientific research. We aim to foster an understanding of the potential social innovations that can be brought out from such efforts, and to measure quantitatively the specific economic impacts therein, by empirical analysis methods such as field experiments and randomized control trials.
Professional Career
- 1997 Associate Professor, Faculty of Economics, Konan University
- 2000 Associate Professor, Graduate School of Economics, Kyoto University
(2001 Visiting Scholar, Department of Applied Economics and Wolfson College, University of Cambridge)
(2005 Visiting Scholar, Wolfson College, University of Cambridge)
- 2007 Professor, Graduate School of Economics, Kyoto University
(2011 Fulbright Visiting Scholar, Goldman School of Public Policy , University of California Berkeley)
(2011 Fulbright Visiting Scholar, Demand Response Research Center, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
Selected publications
- [1] Ida, T. (2009) Broadband Economics: Lessons from Japan, Routledge (Taylor & Francis Group): London, 290pp, January 2009.
- Refereed Articles(English)
[1] Ida, T. and M. Suda (2004) “The Cost Structure of the Japanese Railway Industry: The Economies of Scale and Scope and the Regional Gap of the Japan Railway after the Privatization,” International Journal of Transport Economics vol.31.1: 23-37.
- [2] Ida, T. and T. Kuwahara (2004) “Regulatory Reform of Japan’s Electric Power Industry: Economies of Scale-and-Scope and Yardstick Competition,” Asian Economic Journal vol.18.4: 423-438.
- [3] Ida, T. (2004) “Bottleneck Monopolies and Network Externalities in Network Industries,” Evolutionary and Institutional Economics Review vol.1.1: 85-105.
- [4] Ida, T. and S. Asai (2005) “The Regional Cost Gap of the Japanese Local Telecommunications Services,” Papers in Regional Science vol.84.2: 183-199.
- [5] Ida, T. (2005) “Analysis of Internet Topology with a Three-Components Model,” Managerial and Decision Economics vol.26.8: 527-534.
- [6] Ida, T. and T. Kuroda (2006) “Discrete Choice Analysis of Demand for Broadband in Japan,” Journal of Regulatory Economics vol.29.1: 5-22.
- [7] Ida, T., E. Itoh, and S. Kinoshita (2007) “Post-regulatory Reform Productivity Gains in Japan’s Electricity Industry,” Applied Economics Letters vol.14.13: 975-979.
- [8] Goto, R., S. Nishimura, and T. Ida (2007) “Discrete Choice Experiment of Smoking Cessation Behaviour in Japan,” Tobacco Control vol.16.5: 336-343.
- [9] Ida, T., S. Kinoshita, and M. Sato (2008) “Conjoint Analysis of Demand for IP Telephony: The Case of Japan,” Applied Economics vol.40.10: 1279 – 1287.
- [10] Ida, T. and M. Anbashi (2008) “Analysis of Vertical Separation of Regulator under Adverse Selection,” Journal of Economics vol.93.1: 1-29.
- [11] Ida, T. and Y. Horiguchi (2008) “Consumer Benefits of Public Services over FTTH in Japan: Comparative Analysis of Provincial and Urban Areas by Using Discrete Choice Experiment,” Information Society vol.24.1: 1-17.
- [12] Ida, T. and K. Sakahira (2008) “Broadband Migration and Lock-in Effects: Mixed Logit Model Analysis of Japan’s High-speed Internet Access Service,” Telecommunications Policy vol. 32.9: 615-625.
- [13] Ida, T. and T. Kuroda (2009) “Discrete Choice Model Analysis of Demand for Mobile Telephone Service in Japan,” Empirical Economics vol.36.1: 65-80.
- [14] Ida, T. and R. Goto (2009) “Simultaneous Measurement of Time and Risk Preferences: Stated Preference Discrete Choice Modeling Analysis Depending on Smoking Behavior,” International Economic Review vol.50.4: 1169-1182.
- [15] Goto, R., Y. Takahashi, S. Nishimura, and T. Ida (2009) “A Cohort Study to Examine Whether Time and Risk Preference Is Related to the Smoking Cessation Success,” Addiction vol.104.6: 1018-1024.
- [16] Ida, T. and R. Goto (2009) “Interdependency among Addictive Behaviors and Time/Risk Preferences: Discrete Choice Model Analysis of Smoking, Drinking, and Gambling,” Journal of Economic Psychology vol.30.4: 608-621.
- [17] Ida, T. (2010) “Anomaly, Impulsivity, and Addiction,” Journal of Socio-Economics vol.39.2: 194-203.
- [18] Ida, T. (2010) “Coevolution of Product Quality and Consumer Preferences,” Journal of Bioeconomics vol.12.2: 101-117.
- [19] Watanabe, N., R. Nakajima, and T. Ida (2010) “Quality-Adjusted Prices of Japanese Mobile Phone Handsets and Carriers’ Strategies,” Review of Industrial Organization vol.36.4: 391-412.
- [20] Ida, T. and K. Sakahira (2010) “Estimating Interdependencies between Japan’s Broadband and Mobile Phone Subscriptions,” Empirical Economics Letters vol.9.11: 1009-1016.
- [21] Ida, T., R. Goto, Y. Takahashi, and S. Nishimura (2011) “Can Economic-Psychological Parameters Predict Successful Smoking Cessation?,” Journal of Socio-Economics vol.40.3 285-295.
- [22] Goto, R., Y. Takahashi, and T. Ida (2011) “Changes of Smokers’ Attitudes to Intended Cessation Attempts in Japan,” Value in Health vol.14.5: 785-791.
- [23] Ida, T. and T. Kuroda (2011) “Optimum Pricing Strategy for Fixed-line Internet and Mobile Phone Services: A Two-sided Market Approach,” Empirical Economics Letters vol.10.8.
- [24] Ida, T. (2012) “Beyond Mobile Number Portability: Measuring Consumer Preferences for Service Portability in Japan’s Mobile Phone Market,” Applied Economics vol.44.26: 3357-3369.
- [25] Ida, T. and K. Ogawa (2012) “Measuring the Inequality Aversion Rate, the Social Discount Rate, and the Time Discount Rate Using a Hypothetical Dictator Game,” International Journal of Social Economics vol.39.5: 314-329.
- [26] Ida, T. and N. Fukuzawa (2013) “Effects of Large-Scale Research Funding Programs: A Japanese Case Study,” Scientometrics vol. 94.3: 1253-1273.
- [27] Tanaka, M. and T. Ida (2013) “Voluntary Electricity Conservation of Households after the Great East Japan Earthquake: A Stated Preference Analysis” forthcoming in Energy Economics.
- [28] Ida, T. (2014) “A Quasi-Hyperbolic Discounting Approach To Smoking Behavior,” Health Economics Review vol. 4.5: 1-11.
- [29] Ida, T., K. Murakami, and M. Tanaka (2014) “A Stated Preference Analysis of Smart Meters,
Photovoltaic Generation, and Electric Vehicles in Japan: Implications for Penetration and
GHG Reduction,” Energy Research & Social Science vol.2: 75-89.
- [30] Pilar Baquero Forero, M.d., T. Kuroda , and T. Ida “Cultural Determinants of Countries
Management Efficiency: A Random Coefficients Stochastic Frontier Approach,” Review of
Development Economics accepted.
- [31]Tanaka, T., T. Ida. K. Murakami, and L. Friedman “Consumers’ Willingness To Pay for Alternative Fuel Vehicles: A Comparative Analysis between US and Japan,” Transportation Research A accepted.
- [1] Ida, T. (1997) Economics of Uncertainty and Decision Making, Nihon Hyoron Sya: Tokyo.
- [2] Ida, T. (2001) Network Economics, Nihon Hyoron Sya: Tokyo.
- [3] Ida, T. (2007) Broadband Economics, Nihon Keizai Shinbunsya: Tokyo.
- [4] Ida, T. (2010) Challenging Behavioral Economics, Chuo Koron Sya: Tokyo.
- [5] Ida, T. (2011) Economics of Next Generation Internet, Iwanami Shinsyo: Tokyo.
- [6] Ida, T. (2013) Contemporary Economics,The Society for the Promotion of the Open University of Japan: Tokyo
- ・September 2011 The Fulbright Grantee (Visiting Scholar)
・March 2010 The JSPS (Japan Society for the Promotion of Science) Awards
・November 2007 The Japan Association for Applied Economics Prize
・November 2007 The Okawa Publications Prize
・October 2007 The DoCoMo Mobile Science Prize for the Young Researchers
・June 2002 The Japan Society of Public Utility Economics Prize for Young Researchers
・September 1990 The TELECOM Social Science Award for Student