
 @Margins, concentration, and the performance of firms in international trade: Evidence from Japanese customs data. (with Keiko Ito, Masahiro Endoh, Toshiyuki Matsuura, Toshihiro Okubo, and Akira Sasahara) Journal of the Japanese and International Economies 75: 101340 (March 2025). Open access (DOI: 10.1016/j.jjie.2024.101340) New!

 @Do Deep Regional Trade Agreements Facilitate International Research Collaboration? (with Xingyuan Zhang and Shoji Haruna) Economics of Innovation and New Technology, forthcoming.

 @Gravity for Cross-border Licensing and the Impact of Deep Trade Agreements: Theory and Evidence (with Yukiko Sawada, Xingyuan Zhang, and Shoji Haruna) Canadian Journal of Economics 57(3): 836-869 (August 2024). Open access (DOI: 10.1111/caje.12731)

 @The Impact of Policy Uncertainty on Foreign Direct Investment: Micro-Evidence from Japan's International Investment Agreements (with Mitsuo INADA) Review of International Economics 32(3): 934-957 (August 2024).  Open access (DOI: 10.1111/roie.12710)

 @Quantifying the Costs of Utilising Regional Trade Agreements (with Kazunobu Hayakawa, Nuttawut Laksanapanyakul, Toshiyuki Matsuura, and Taiyo Yoshimi) The World Economy, Early View (July 2023). Open access (DOI: 10.1111/twec.13472)

 @Individual Preferences Toward Inward Foreign Direct Investment: A Survey Experiment (with Ayumu TANAKA and Banri ITO) Journal of Asian Economics 88: 101644 (October 2023). (DOI: 10.1016/j.asieco.2023.101644) (A discussion paper version can be downloaded from here.)  

 @Why Do People Oppose Foreign Acquisitions? Evidence from Japanese Individual-Level Data (with Banri ITO and Ayumu TANAKA) Japan and the World Economy 66: 101187 (June 2023). (DOI: 10.1016/j.japwor.2023.101187) (A discussion paper version can be downloaded from here.).  

 @Deep Integration, Global Firms, and Technology Spillovers (with Xingyuan Zhang and Shoji Haruna). Springer (2022).  

 @What Does Regional Economic Integration Deliver?, The International Economy, Advance online publication (2021).

 @How Does UNESCO's Convention on Cultural Diversity Affect Trade in Cultural Goods? (with Ayumu Tanaka), Journal of Cultural Economics 44: 625-660 (2020) (DOI: 10.1007/s10824-020-09380-6) (A discussion paper version can be downloaded from here.)

 @Does a firm with higher Tobinfs q prefer foreign direct investment to foreign outsourcing? (with Xingyuan Zhang and Shoji Haruna), North American Journal of Economics and Finance  50: 101044 (2019) (DOI: 10.1016/j.najef.2019.101044).

 @Do Deeper Regional Trade Agreements Enhance International Technology Spillovers? (with Xingyuan Zhang and Shoji Haruna), The World Economy,  42(8): 2326-63(2019) (DOI: 10.1111/twec.12797).

 @Rules of Origin and Technology Spillovers from Foreign Direct Investment under International Duopoly (with Yoshihiro Mizoguchi), Japan and the World Economy, 40: 47-60 (2016). DOI: 10.1016/j.japwor.2016.09.002 (A discussion paper version can be downloaded from here.)

 @Optimal Rules of Origin with Asymmetric Compliance Costs under International Duopoly (with Yoshihiro Mizoguchi), Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade 16(1): 1-24 (2016) (DOI: 10.1007/s10842-015-0202-z) (A discussion paper version can be downloaded from here.) 

 @Trade Patterns and International Technology Spillovers: Evidence from Patent Citations (with Xingyuan Zhang and Shoji Haruna), Review of World Economics 151(4): 635-658 (2015) (DOI: 10.1007/s10290-015-0223-z).

 @International Knowledge Flows and Productivity: Intra- vs. Inter-Industry Spillovers (with Xingyuan Zhang), International Economic Journal 29(3): 451-474 (2015) (DOI: 10.1080/10168737.2015.1041543).

 @Comparative Statics for Oligopoly: A Generalized Result, Economics Letters 124: 79-82 (2014) (DOI 10.1016/j.econlet.2014.04.026). (A discussion paper version can be downloaded from here.)

 @Strategic Investment Subsidies under Asymmetric Oligopoly (with Tsuyoshi Toshimitsu), Review of Development Economics 18(3): 490-501 (2014).

 @An Economic Theory of the SPS Agreement. In Mercurio, B. and K.-J. Ni, eds. Science and Technology in International Economics Law: Balancing Competing Interests. Taylor & Francis, pp. 53-72 (2014). (A discussion paper version can be downloaded from here.)

 @Strategic R&D Policy in a Quality-differentiated Industry with Three Exporting Countries (with Tsuyoshi Toshimitsu), Japan and the World Economy 28: 132-142 (2013). (A discussion paper version can be downloaded from here.)

 @Social Dumping and Trade Policy, The International Economy 16: 59-77 (2013).

 @The Effect of Regional Trade Agreements on Technology Spillovers through International Trade (with Xingyuan Zhang and Shoji Haruna). In S. Egashira, eds. Globalism and Regional Economy. Routledge, pp. 49-66 (2013). (A discussion paper version can be downloaded from here)

 @Is Corporate Environmentalism Good for Domestic Welfare?, Review of International Economics, 21(5): 901-911 (2013).

 @Fisheries Subsidies and Management in Open Economies, Marine Resource Economics 27(1): 25-41 (2012). (A discussion paper version can be downloaded from here).

 @Factor Market Monopsony and International Duopoly, Journal of International Trade & Economic Development 21(2): 271-286 (2012). (DOI: 10.1080/09638191003731278)

 @Patent Citations, Technology Diffusion, and International Trade: Evidence from Asian Countries (with Shoji Haruna and Xingyuan Zhang), Journal of Economics and Finance, 34(4): 365-390 (2010) (DOI 10.1007/s12197-009-9078-2)

 @Is the Development of Agro-Processing Industry Pro-Poor?: The Case of Thailand (with Michio Watanabe and Mitsuyo Kurihara), Journal of Asian Economics 20: 443-455 (2009).

 @A Note on Strategic Trade Policy and Endogenous Quality Choice (with Tsuyoshi Toshimitsu), Review of International Economics 16(1): 173-185 (2008).

 @Quality Differentiation, Welfare, and the Mode of Competition in a Vertically Differentiated Product Market: A Note (with Tsuyoshi Toshimitsu), Japanese Economic Review 58(3): 407-416 (2007). Abstract

 @International Trade and Renewable Resources under Asymmetries of Resource Abundance and Resource Management, Environmental and Resource Economics 37(4): 621-642 (2007). (A discussion paper version can be downloaded from here). Abstract

 @Tariff Revenue Competition in a Free Trade Area: The Case of Asymmetric Large Countries (with Taiji Furusawa), Review of Development Economics 11(2): 300-312 (2007). (A discussion paper version can be downloaded from here). Abstract

 @International Trade and Terrestrial Open-access Renewable Resources in a Small Open Economy, Canadian Journal of Economics 39(3): 790-808 (2006).  Abstract

 @Optimal Policy for Product R&D with Endogenous Quality Ordering: Asymmetric Duopoly (with Tsuyoshi Toshimitsu), Australian Economic Papers, 45(2): 127-140 (2006). (A discussion paper version can be downloaded from here). Abstract

 @Strategic Use of Recycled Content Standards under International Duopoly (with Keisaku Higashida), Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 51(2): 242-257 (2006). (A discussion paper version, which includes technical appendix, can be downloaded from here).  Abstract

 @Endogenous Timing in a Vertically Differentiated Duopoly with Quantity Competition, Hitotsubashi Journal of Economics 45: 119-127 (2004). Abstract

 @Minimum Quality Standards under Asymmetric Duopoly with Endogenous Quality Ordering: A Note, (with Tsuyoshi Toshimitsu) Journal of Regulatory Economics 26(2): 189-199 (2004). Abstract

 @Strategic Mandatory Labelling of Biotechnology Products in the Absence of Quality Difference, International Trade Journal 17(4): 305-320 (2003). Abstract

 @Strategic Policy for Product R&D with Symmetric Costs, Canadian Journal of Economics 36(4): 993-1006 (2003). Abstract  The unpublished technical appendix can be downloaded from here.



(1) Foreign Direct Investment

 @The Impact of Policy Uncertainty on Foreign Direct Investment in Services: Evidence from firm-level data and the role of regional trade agreements (with Mitsuo INADA) RIETI Discussion Paper Series No. 23-E-021 (March 2023).

(2) Studies using Japanese customs transaction data

 @ An Empirical Investigation on International Trade (with Keiko ITO, Masahiro ENDOH, Toshihiro OKUBO, Akira SASAHARA, and Toshiyuki MATSUURA) PRI Discussion Paper Series No.23A-02. (In Japanese with English abstract) (September 2023).  

(3) Quantitative analysis of technological decoupling

 @Impact of Technological Decoupling between the United States and China on Trade and Welfare (with Shunya Ozawa) RIETI Discussion Paper Series No. 24-E-041 (March 2024). New!


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