大学院生 / Graduate Students
2024年4月期 所属院生
As of April 2024

【博士課程院生 Doctoral Students】
Renee Tila Philippines 久野/Ivings EA-D2 Unveiling the Hidden Dimensions of Poverty in the Philippines Banana Industry
Samantha Nelson (Sam) Jamaica 久野/Ivings EA-D2 Investigating the Alterity of Local Food Networks in Jamaica
Meidesta Pitria Indonesia 久野/Ivings EA-D1 Community Initiatives in Yard Farming for Urban Food Provisioning in Indonesia
Michele Pak Hong Kong 久野/Ivings EA-D1
Tamami Matsuoka Japan GSA Research Student Food Citizenship Toward Food Systems Transformations: Practices in Urban Areas from Governance Lens
Orane Le Saout France GSE Research Student The Activation of Regional Innovation Systems to Secure New and Impactful Local Specialisations: The Development of the Wine Industry in Japan

【修士課程院生 Master Students】
Chadapa Piyamath (Neon) Thailand 久野 EA-M2 Unrecognized Roles of Women in the Small-Scale Fisheries Sector in Thailand and its Implications on Household Food Security
Rafael Jose Marquez Noel Philippines 久野 EA-M2 Sustainable Livelihoods and Food Discourses: Civic agri-food initiatives during the pandemic
Mical Enice Cueto Dominican Republic 久野 EA-M1 Sustainable livelihoods of Dominican small-scale growers: the impact of integration into the global value chain of fresh fruits and vegetables
Sakshi Gupta India 久野 EA-M1 A Meatless Route Towards Food Sustainability for Japan(?): Case Analysis of Meat Alternative in Japan

【Other PhD candidates】
Anom Sigit Suryawan The Politics of the Governance Takeover of Halal Governance in Indonesia
Wang, Yiming (Emma) China Organic Agriculture in Non-metropolitan Areas of Central China: Nanyang City as a case study
Michael Jürges Germany Sustainable Food and Agriculture Tourism as a Way to Revitalise Local and Domestic Economies
Kimura, Vivian USA

【客員研究員/特別研究学生 Visiting Researchers/Special Research Students and other participants】
Victoria Roberts Australia PhD Candidate, University of New South Wales
Australia's Role in Achieving Global Food Security: To what extent can reform of the research and development tax concessions contribute?
(March 2012)
Silvio Marquardt Brazil 名古屋大学
Organizational Learning as a Tool for Development
(October 2011 - February 2012)
Anindita Gandhi Brazil Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur
(Intern: May - July 2012) 
Ashraf Mahmoud Solyman Egypt Associate Professor, Agricultural Extension and Rural Development Research Institute A Study on Agricultural Policies and Food Security in Egypt
(2012.9~2014.9, JSPS外国人特別研究員)
Joëlla van de Griend Netherlands Wageningen University, MSc Health and Society Participation of non-governmental actors in food-related policy making
(research intern: May - July 2017)
Guilherme Raj Brazil
Wageningen University, MSc Communication, Health and Society (research intern: February - May 2018)
Yu, Tian China Wageningen University, PhD student, Rural Sociology (visiting research: March - May 2018)
Haja M. Rajaonarison AGST Post-doc Researcher Political Economy of Food Security in Africa
(post-doc: September 2015 - June 2018)
Lucas Mencke Netherlands Wageningen University, MSc Organic Agriculture Susainable Food Systems in Japan and the Netherlands
(research intern: February-April 2019)
Iris van Hal Netherlands Wageningen University, MSc Organic Agriculture Consumption and Sustainability / Forest and Nature Conservation Policy
(research intern: January-March 2020)
Fatma Nil Doner Turley Assistant Professor
Dept of International Relations
Istanbul Medeniyet University
The Faces of Neoliberal Rural Transformation in Japan and Turkey
(visiting fellow: September-December 2022)

【過去の指導院生 Completed Master/Doctoral Students】
Zaki Uz Zaman
博士(農学, 北大) 副指導
UNIDO Bangladesh
A Study on Rice Marketing System and Price Policy in Bangladesh
Simone M. Altoe Brazil 2005年3月
博士(農学, 北大)
ESG Corporate Benchmarking
A Study on Sustainable Rural Development and Institutional Support in Brazil:The Case of Small Soybean Farmers in the State of Rio Grande do Sul
行方 のな
Nona Namekata
修士(農学, 北大)
種苗市場国際化の下でのわが国種苗企業の事業展開に関する研究: ㈱サカタのタネを事例に (Seed Business Development in Japan under the Internationalization of Seed Market: A Case Study of Sakata Seed Co.)
中西 三紀
Miki Nakanishi
博士(経済学, 京大) 副指導
チリにおける輸出農業の展開と農業資本主義化 (Export-oriented Agriculture and Capitalist Development of Chilean Agriculture)
井上 智恵
Chie Inoue
修士(経済学, 京大) 副指導
日本における食品安全問題の展開 (A History of Food Safety Issues in Japan)
Elibariki E. Msuya 2009年9月
博士(経済学, 京大) 副指導
Senior Lecturer, Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness, Sokoine University of Agriculture
Unlocking Smallholders' Potentials in Tanzania; Value Chain Analysis and other Analyses: A Case Study of Maize in Kiteto and Mbozi Districts
Sangeeta Jordan Australia 2010年3月
博士(農学, 北大)
A Comparison of the Conventionalisation Processes in the Japanese and Australian Organic Sectors
渡邉 英俊
Hidetoshi Watanabe
博士(経済学, 京大) 副指導
第一次世界大戦前におけるアルゼンチンとヨーロッパ「世界経済」 (Argentina and European "World Economy" before WWI)
関根 佳恵
Kae Sekine
博士(経済学, 京大)
多国籍アグリビジネスと地域農業: 日仏におけるドールフード社の事業展開を中心に(Multinationa Agribusinesses and Local Agriculture: A case study of Dole Food Co. in Japan and France)
倪 卉/Ni Hui China 2012年3月
博士(経済学, 京大)
現代中国蚕糸業の展開 (Development of Sericulture and Silk Industry in China)
John Lambino Philippines
博士(経済学, 京大) 副指導
The Regionality of Economic Development under Globalization: Focusing on the Dynamism of Unevenness and Migration in the Philippines
大西 祐理江
Ohnishi, Yurie
修士 (経済学、京大)
滋賀県湖東地域における土地改良事業と集落営農の形成と展開: 永源寺ダム建設を起点として(Formation and Development of the Irrigation/Reclamation Works and the Community Farming System in Koto Region, Shiga Prefecture)
池島 祥文
Yoshifumi Ikejima
博士(経済学, 京大)
国際開発政策とグローバル・ガバナンス: 国際機関の政治経済学(International Development Policies and Global Governance: Political Economy of International Organisations)
張 暁黎
Zhang, Xiaoli China

The Development and Challenges of Rural Tourism in China:From the Perspective of Standardization based on the Case Study in Shanghai

解 嬋辛
Xie, Chanxin
修士(経済学、京大) 副指導
中国中小企業と関連政策に関する研究 (A Study on Small & Medium-scale Enterprises and Related Policies in China)
Benjamin Wainer Infante Chile
Adaptation to Organic Farming by Latin American Small Farmers under Globalization
森原 康仁
Morihara, Yasuhito
博士(経済学, 京大) 副指導
IT産業の国際生産ネットワーク (International Production Networks in IT Industry)
Akkharaphon Thongpoon Thailand 2014年9月
修士(経済学, 京大)
policy designer / social enterpreneur
Reshaping Thailand’s Seed Market: A Discussion of the MNC-dominated Structure and the Exercise of Agency among Conflicting Stakeholders
Zhao Lan China 2016年3月
修士(経済学, 京大)
An Analysis of the production and distribution of pollution-free vegetables: A Case of Hohhot, Inner Mongolia, China
Yang, Xing
Chinese Rural Transition and Agricultural Investment
Jung, Sungwoong (Josh) Korea
Policy Specialist, Division of Agrifood & Rural Development Policy, Hongseong, South Korea
External PhD student, Wageningen University
Agrarian Prosumer (AP)-driven Sustainable Agrifood Network
Midori Hiraga Japan
博士(経済学, 京大)
資本主義的発展に伴う食の変容:日本における植物油供給体制の形成過程 (Transformation of Food under the Capitalist Development: A history of the formation of Vegetable Oil Complex in Japan
Zulfa Utami Adiputri 2019年3月
博士研究指導認定退学(経済学, 京大)
Legitimacy of Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) in Melawi District, West Kalimantan, Indonesia
Heriberto Ruiz Tafoya (Beto)
博士(経済学, 京大)
Political Economy of Corporate Packaged Food: A study of Exchange and Consumption in Manila Slums
Ke, Jinhan (Keren)
博士(経済学, 京大)
Alternative Agri-Food Networks and Rural Development: The Case of China in the Context of Sannong
Shimabara, Kazumi
修士(経済学, 京大)
The Political Economy of Golden Rice in the Philippines: Deconstructing the Stakeholder’s Narratives (優秀修士論文賞受賞)
Vivian Kimura USA 2019年9月
修士(経済学, 京大)
Care Farming and Rural Social Welfare: Experiences from Japan and the Netherlands
Wurihan (Orihan) China 2020年3月
修士(経済学, 京大)
Agricultural Innovation Systems (AIS) for Multifunctional Farming: Lesson Learned from the Hokkaido Innovative Initiatives
Liu, Youping China 2020年9月
修士(経済学, 京大)
Chinese Peasants' Struggles to Engage in Alternative Food Networks: A Sustainable Livelihood Perspective (優秀修士論文賞受賞)
陸 揚
Lu, Yang
修士(経済学, 京大)
日本茶産業システムの構造と茶産地振興をめぐる現状と課題:京都府伝統産地を事例としたソーシャル・イノベーションの可能性 (優秀修士論文賞受賞)
Anom Sigit Suryawan Indonesia 2021年3月
博士研究指導認定退学(経済学, 京大)
The Politics of the Governance Takeover of Halal Governance in Indonesia
Renee Grace Tila China 2021年9月
修士(経済学, 京大)
Quitting the Race to the Bottom? Small Farmer Empowerment in Alternative Banana Trade in the Philippines
Yang, Yitian China 2021年9月
修士(経済学, 京大)
The Dititalization's Transformation on the Agri-food Commodity Chains in China: Focusing on Fresh Produce Sector
Michael Jürges Germany 2021年9月
博士研究指導認定退学(経済学, 京大)
Sustainable Food and Agriculture Tourism as a Way to Revitalise Local and Domestic Economies
Samantha Nelson Jamaica 2022年9月
修士(経済学, 京大)
The Sustainable Transformation of a Specialty Coffee Supply Chain in Jamaica: An investigation into the drivers and inhibitors of the transition
Nabil El Bachiri Azzahchi Spain 2022年9月
修士(経済学, 京大)
Discourse and Realities of Climate Smart Agriculture: A case study in Guatemala
Zhu, Yue (Ashley) China 2022年9月
修士(経済学, 京大)
China's Seed Security under the Background of New Normal: Based on Japan's Seed Management Experiences
Li, Jiawei China 2022年9月
修士(経済学, 京大)
Behind the packaging, the relationship between the craft beer, localisim and sustainability
Suriyashotichyangkul (Cook)
博士(経済学, 京大)
Thailand Development Research Institute
Direct Investment on Agri-business in the CLMV Sub-region: Preventing Transboundary Negative Impacts and Ensuring the Extra-territorial Obligations of the Thai State
Klaudia Cziczeri Hungary 2023年9月
修士(経済学, 京大)
Challenges and Potentials of Community-Supported Agriculture in Hungary: An Analysis of Box Scheme Initiatives During the Pandemic
Alayna Ynacay-Nye USA 2023年9月
博士(経済学, 京大)
Stealth Privatization: Power Dynamics behind Sustainable Fisheries Governance
Lu, Yang (Emily) China 2024年3月
博士(経済学, 京大)
The Potential of Bottom-up Social Innovation for Rural Development: Three Cases in Japan

基本的には農業・食料に関連するテーマであれば、国内であれ海外であれ、歴史であれ現状であれ、経営であれ政策であれ、幅広く対応可能です。ただし、理論枠組み、分析手法とも政治経済学(社会経済学、経済社会学、政治社会学、国際政治学などを含む非計量的アプローチ)をベースにしています。---> English

  • 多国籍アグリビジネスのCSRイニシアチブに関する事例分析
  • 社会・環境基準を組み入れたフードシステムに関する事例分析
  • 食料主権をめぐるグローバルな市民社会運動と国際機関の対応に関する言説分析ないし政策過程分析
  • 作物遺伝資源管理をめぐるグローバルとローカルの動きに関する政治経済学的ないし農業社会学的分析
  • 各国農業政策の形成・展開過程と農業構造の変動に関する政治経済学的ないし農業社会学的分析

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