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The lecture slides and term paper requirements for the course $B!H(BThe Political Economy of European Integration$B!I(B can be found here.


The lecture slides and term paper requirements for the course $B!H(BInternational Comparison of Corporate Governance$B!I(B can be found here.


The lecture slides and essay requirements for the course $B!H(BReadings in Institutional Economics$B!I(B can be found here.


The lecture slides and term paper requirements for the course $B!H(BReadings in International Economics$B!I(B can be found here.





$B")(B606-8501 $B5~ET;T:85~6h5HEDK\D.(B


($B5~ETBg3X$N5HED%-%c%s%Q%9!"(B $BK!7PAm9g8&5fEo(B 6$B3,(B 605$B9f<<(B)

E-mail: ialnazov + atmark + econ.kyoto-u.ac.jp




$B?eMKF|(B5 $B8BL\(B16:30-18:00$B!#(B $B$?$@$7!"%a!<%k$G%"%]%$%s%H%a%s%H$r$H$k$3$H$,I,MW$G$9!#(B






$BHf3S7P1D3X2q(B (JACSM)$B!"Hf3S7P:QBN@)3X2q(B (JACES)$B!"?J2=7P:Q3X2q(B (JAFEE)$B!"2$=#?J2=@/<#7P:Q3X2q!J(BEAEPE)$B!"%V%k%,%j%"$N%^%/%m7P:Q3X2q(B (BMA)



(with N. Nenovsky) $B!H(BA Game Theory Interpretation of the Post-Communist Evolution$B!I(B, Journal of Economic Issues, March 2011 (forthcoming).


$B!H(BThe Impact of the Global Financial Crisis on Eastern European Economies$B!I(B, Paper presented at the international symposium $B!H(BThe Global Economic Crisis and Climate Change$B!I(B, 28-31 January 2010, Kyungpook University, Daegu, South Korea.


$B!H(BComparison of the post-socialist trajectories of Bulgaria and Romania and the impact of the present global crisis$B!I(B, Paper presented at the international workshop $B!H(BBulgarie et Roumanie 3 ans apr$(D+2(Bs l$B!G(Badhesion: quels modeles de capitalisme?$B!I(B, 13 November 2009, University Paris 7 Denis Diderot, Paris, France.


(with Nikolay Nenovsky) $B!H(BThe Evolution of Post-Socialist Countries: An Interpretation from the Perspective of Cooperation$B!I(B (in Bulgarian), Sociological Problems Quarterly, Vol. 3-4, 2009, pp. 156-174.$B!!(B


$B!H(BCorporate Governance in Eastern Europe$B!I(B, Paper presented at a seminar of the RIEB (Research Institute for Economics and Business), 16 January 2009, Kobe University, Kobe.


$B!H(BEuropeanization and the Evolution of Corporate Governance in Bulgaria$B!I(B, in Yagi, K. and S. Mizobata (eds.), Melting Boundaries: Institutional Transformation in the Wider Europe, Kyoto University Press: Kyoto, 2008, pp. 180-207.


Comments on the article by Dorothee Bohle $B!H(BRace to the Bottom? Comparative Institutional Advantages? Competition of Capitalisms in the Enlarged EU$B!I(B, in Mizobata, S. (ed.), Varieties of Capitalism and Transformation, Bunrikaku: Kyoto, 2008, pp. 179-184.


$B!H(BThe Diversity of Post-Socialist Transformation Paths and the Evolutionary-Institutional Approach$B!I(B, Paper presented at the 2nd Forum of the World Association for Political Economy, 27-28 October 2007, University of Shimane, Hamada.


$B!V%V%k%,%j%"$N(BEU$B2CLA!]!]2]Bj$HE8K>!]!]!W!"(B$B!X%m%7%"!&%f!<%i%7%"7P:Q!Y(B$B!"(B2007$BG/(B8$B7n!"(BNo. 901, pp. 2-16.


"The Impact of EU Accession on Corporate Governance Reform in Bulgaria", Acta Oeconomica, Vol. 57 (2), 2007, pp. 157-190.


"Bulgaria's Accession to the EU: Problems and Perspectives", Paper presented at the 23rd Keio Jean Monnet Workshop for EU Studies, 27 January 2007, Keio University, Tokyo.


"EU Enlargement and Corporate Governance Reform in Eastern Europe", Paper presented at the EUIJ international symposium "Corporate Governance in the EU and Japan", 25 November 2006, Kwansei Gakuin University, Osaka.


"The Impact of EU Accession on Corporate Governance Reform: Evidence from Bulgaria", Paper presented at the 2006 EAEPE Conference "Developing Economies: Multiple Trajectories, Multiple Developments",  2-4 November 2006, Galatasaray University, Istanbul.


"Ownership, Governance, and Financing of Bulgarian Companies", $B!XHf3S7P1D3X8&5f!Y(B, $BBh(B 30$B9f(B, 2006$BG/(B, pp. 16-42.


"Europeanization and Corporate Governance in Bulgaria", Paper presented at the international conference "The Wider Europe: Institutions and Transformation", organized by the Graduate School of Economics and the Institute for Economic Research,  24-26 November 2005, Kyoto University, Kyoto.


"The Capital Market and Corporate Governance in Bulgaria",$B!XHf3S7P1D3X2q;o!Y(B, $BBh(B29$B9f(B, 2005$BG/(B, pp. 111-122.


Review of the book by Y. Koyama "South Eastern Europe in Transition: A Quest for the Stabilization of the Region after the Breakup of the Former Yugoslavia", in Japanese Slavic and East European Studies, Vol. 25, 2005.


"The Capital Market and Corporate Governance in Bulgaria", Paper presented at the 29-th Annual Conference of the Japanese Association for Comparative Studies of Management,  14-15 May 2004, Nagasaki University, Nagasaki.


"Capital Markets in Transition Economies: the Case of Bulgaria", Paper presented at the CEMI (Centre d'Etudes des Modes de l'Industrialization) seminar, 23 March 2004, Paris.


"Why do Capital Markets in Transition Economies Remain Underdeveloped? Some Evidence from Bulgaria", Paper presented at the 2003 EAEPE conference "The Information Society - Understanding Its Institutions Interdisciplinary",  7-10 November 2003, Maastricht.


"Can a Country Extricate Itself From its Post-Socialist Trajectory? The Role of External Anchors in Bulgaria", $B!XHf3S7P:QBN@)8&5f!Y(B, 2003$BG/(B7$B7n(B, $BBh(B10$B9f(B, pp. 85-103.


"The Role of External Anchors in Transition Economies: the Currency Board and the Prospect of EU Accession in Bulgaria", Paper presented at the 2002 EAEPE conference "Complexity and the Economy: Implications for Economic Policy", 7-10 November 2002, University of Aix-Marseille, Aix-en-Provence.


"Economic Transition in Bulgaria from an Evolutionary Perspective: the Currency Board and the Prospect of EU Accession", Paper presented at the conference of the Japanese Association for Evolutionary Economics "Evolution/Transition: Evolutionary Perspectives on Transition Economies", 27-30 March 2002, Kyoto and Osaka.


"Currency Boards in Transition Economies: The Bulgarian Experience (1997-2000)", $B!XHf3S7P1D3X2q;o!Y(B, $BBh(B26$B9f(B, 2002$BG/(B2$B7n(B, pp. 85-104.


(with Nikolay Nenovsky) "The Currency Board and Bulgaria's Accession to the European Monetary Union", Kyoto University Economic Review, Vol. LXX, No. 1/2, April-October 2001, pp. 31-48.


$B!V%V%k%,%j%"$K$*$1$k;T>l7P:Q0\9T!]!]6&;:10$BG/!]!]!W!"(B$B!X%m%7%"!&%f!<%i%7%"7P:QD4::;qNA!Y(B$B!"(B2000$BG/(B4$B7n!"(BNo. 814, pp. 2-20.


"Privatization and Enterprise Control in Bulgaria from a Comparative Perspective", $B!XHf3S7P1D3X2q8&5fG/Js!Y(B, 1999$BG/(B10$B7n(B, $BBh(B24$B9f(B, pp. 75-86.


"The Transition to Capitalism in Postsocialist Bulgaria (1989-97): a Comparative Perspective"$B!"!XHf3S7P:QBN@)8&5f!Y(B$B!"(B1998$BG/(B5$B7n!"Bh(B5$B9f(B, pp. 99-110.


Industrial Policy and Economic Development: A Case Study of Postwar Japan (1945-1973) From a Comparative Institutional Perspective, $BGn;NO@J8!"6bBtBg3XBg3X1!1997$BG/(B.



European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy (EAEPE): http://eaepe.org/.

$BHf3S7P1D3X2q%[!<%`%Z!<%8(B: http://wwwsoc.nii.ac.jp/jacsm/index.html/.

Bulgarian Macroeconomics Association (BMA):_http://www.bma-bg.org/BG/index-2.htm.
