京都大学 大学院経済学研究科・経済学部




Basic Information
  • Academic Degrees:
    University of British Columbia (Canada, Ph.D. in Economics)
  • Courses in charge:

    [Undergraduate] International Economics, International Trade Policy, English for Economics

    [Graduate] International Economics 1, 2
  • Fields of Research:
    International Economics
  • Keywords:
    Trade and the Environment, Trade/FDI and Technology Spillovers, Global Strategies of Firms
Selected Publications
  • “Does a firm with higher Tobin’s q prefer foreign direct investment to foreign outsourcing?” (with Xingyuan Zhang and Shoji Haruna) 2019. North American Journal of Economics and Finance 50.
  • “Do Deeper Regional Trade Agreements Enhance International Technology Spillovers?” (with Xingyuan Zhang and Shoji Haruna) 2019. The World Economy 42(8): 2326-63.
  • “Rules of Origin and Technology Spillovers from Foreign Direct Investment under International Duopoly.” (with Yoshihiro Mizoguchi) 2016. Japan and the World Economy 40: 47-60.
  • “Trade Patterns and International Technology Spillovers: Evidence from Patent Citations.” (with Xingyuan Zhang and Shoji Haruna) 2015. Review of World Economics 151(4): 635-658.
  • “Comparative Statics for Oligopoly: A Generalized Result.” 2014. Economics Letters 124: 79-82.
Membership of Professional Organizations
  • American Economic Association,Association of Environmental and Resource Economists,Canadian Economics Association,Econometric Society,IEFS Japan,Royal Economic Society,Japanese Economic Association,The Japan Society of International Economics
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