【25-26th September 2021】 Call for Application: The 14th Next-Generation Global Workshop
The 14th Next Generation Global Workshop will be held on September 25th-26th 2021.
This year’s theme will be “New Normal Lifestyles during/post-COVID-19: from Crisis to Opportunity”.
The overall purpose of a workshop is to provide participants with the opportunity to present, discuss and deepen their current and emerging research ideas around the challenges and opportunities brought forth by the recent global pandemic.
We welcome applications from a wide range of disciplinary perspectives.
The workshop will be organized around themes. Themes may include, but are not limited to, Personal lifestyle, Livelihood/labor, Education, Social and public safety, or the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
(Individual topics are not required to be directly related to COVID-19, but should relate to contemporary transitions in lifestyles)
We anticipate highly interactive workshops with discussion, Q&A and panel sessions to facilitate a lively exchange of
ideas among the attendees.
Please refer to the following link for more information.
The 14th Next-Generation Global Workshop
Call for Application
September 25th-26th, 2021
The workshop will be held online.
■Application deadline: 20th June, 2021
Please click HERE for online application.
Organizing Committee of the Next-Generation Global Workshop, KUASU
Graduate School of Letters, Kyoto University
E-mail: kuasu.nextgeneration[at]bun.kyoto-u.ac.jp (please replace [at] with @)