京都大学 大学院経済学研究科・経済学部


Applied Microeconomics Seminar

Thilo K. G. Haverkamp, Yohei Mitani, Daniel Engler, Tom Schütte, Du Yimeng and Astrid Dannenberg(Graduate Student, University of Kassel; Associate Professor, Kyoto University; Graduate Student, University of Kassel; Graduate Student; University of Kassel; Senior Lecturer, Kyoto University; and Professor, University of Kassel; respectively)

2023.10.20 (Fri) 13:30-17:00
Room 207 on 2F, Research Bldg. No.14, Yoshida Campus, Kyoto University
Kenji Takeuchi


Kyoto-Kassel Workshop on Environmental Economics

Chair: Miwa Nakai (Professor, Fukui Prefectural University)
"Is targeted information helpful for the individual support of environmentally friendly food and agricultural policies?"  Thilo K. G. Haverkamp
"Value of statistical life in the pandemic context: Age, health, and economic preferences" Yohei Mitani
"Cultural values in Japan and sustainable investment behavior" Daniel Engler

Chair: Gunnar Gutsche (Researcher and Lecturer, University of Kassel)
"How to get photovoltaics on every roof? Findings from a regional case study on the public support of residential solar mandates in Germany" Tom Schütte
"The impact of intraday market trading on balancing needs: Empirical evidence from the JEPX market" Du Yimeng

"The effects of information, observability, and social norms on food choice" Astrid Dannenberg