京都大学 大学院経済学研究科・経済学部

Discussion Papers


About Discussion Papers

The series of discussion papers have been published at the project center until September 2015.
New papers are now published as working papers of the Graduate School of Economics, with maintaining the name of “discussion paper.”

  • Up to E-15-006 (J-15-001):Published by the Graduate School of Economics Project Center
  • From E-15-007 (J-15-002):Published by the Graduate School of Economics


*Also, you can reference a list of working papers published by the Economic Research Office by clicking here.


*Updated July 2017

–>Applicants who are not faculty members of a graduate program at this university are asked to submit this (recommender confirmation form) in addition to the regular application.

(*In principle, those who can write discussion papers are faculty members, researchers and others involved in projects. However, if the writer is not a faculty member of the Kyoto University Graduate School of Economics, the recommendation confirmation form shall be submitted after review by a faculty member of the Kyoto University Graduate School of Economics responsible for joint research.)

Submit discussion papers and applications to: discussion-paper[at]econ.kyoto-u.ac.jp

*After reading the regulations, please send applications to the above address.



■English (⇒Japanese)

No. Title
E-24-008 Alexis Sandes, Tomoki Sekiguchi “The influence of the Viveza in the Latin American Business Environment:Exploring and mapping a regional psychological construct
E-24-007 Ikuto Aiba, Atsushi Tadokoro “On Trade Models with Variable Markups and Pareto-Distributed Productivity
E-24-006 Satoshi KAWAKATSU, Tomoki SEKIGUCHI “Entrepreneurs’ psychological resilience and well-being”
E-24-005 Bita Puspitasari, Tomoki Sekiguchi “Power-dependence in Regulated Social Enterprise: Evidence from Human Resource Management Practices at Continuous Employment Support Offices for People with Disabilities in Japan
E-24-004 Wataru Ishida, Yusuke Iwase,Taro Kumano “Efficient and (or) fair allocations under market-clearing constraints
E-24-003 Hisaki KONO, Bich-Ngoc T. Pham “Decomposing Inclusive Growth: Application to Household Survey Data in Vietnam
E-24-002 Jinsong Li, Kenji Takeuchi “Do Municipal Mergers Promote Recycling?
E-24-001 Yijun Yu, Hisaki Kono “Fertility Policy and Gender Discrimination in the Workplace: Evidence from the Two-Child Policy Reform in China
E-23-007-V Masahiro Kawasaki, Ryosuke Sakai, Tomoya Kazumura “Sequential dictatorship rules in multi-unit object assignment problems with money


No. Title
J-24-002 加藤将義 , 三好雅幸, 柳淳也, 山田仁一郎 “「自律・分散・協調型社会」における組織 モデル
J-24-001 迫田周大, 貴志恒介, 柳淳也, 山田仁一郎 “ 個人のウェルビーイングと組織レジリエン スを兼備する「事業のポータビリティ」: IT企業の事例分析

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■English (⇒Japanese)

No. Title
E-23-009 Hisaki Kono, Minhaj Mahmud, Yasuyuki Sawada, Nahoko Mitsuyama, Tomomi Tanaka “Nudging by Beauty: Improving Women’s Health Decisions and Well-Being in the Field
E-23-008 Soyoka Okamura, Yotaro Ueno, Toma Yamagoshi, Hisaki Kono “Revisiting National Institutions and Subnational Development in Africa with New Nighttime Light Data
E-23-007 Masahiro Kawasaki, Ryosuke Sakai, Tomoya Kazumura “Sequential dictatorship rules in multi-unit object assignment problems with money”
E-23-006 Xinyi Cao and Norio Sawabe “Does excess employment affect the relative performance evaluation usage in CEO turnover? Evidence from Chinese listed firms
E-23-005 Takeshi Sakade “Variety of Cyber Democracy from the Asian View of Human Being
E-23-004 Jiayin QIN Tomoki SEKIGUCHI “Career agency and person-environment fit: A study on female globally mobile employees in Japan
E-23-003 Se-il Mun, Lei Qin, Yue Zhou “The Effects of Mass Transit System on Urban Population Distribution:Evidence from Wuhan”
E-23-002 Ichiroh Daitoh and Hiroaki Sasaki “Ramsey-Cass-Koopmans Model with Declining Population
E-23-001 Sachiko Hata and Yasuo Sugiyama “Invisible Defense Mechanism: Qualitative Research on Strategy of Entrepreneurs Swimming with Sharks
E-20-004-V2 Makoto Hasegawa and Michi Kakebayashi “The Effect of Foreign Dividend Exemption on Profit Repatriation through Dividends, Royalties, and Interest: Evidence from Japan

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■English (–>Japanese, Others)

No. Title
E-22-013 Hisaki KONO, Abu SHONCHOY, Kazushi TAKAHASHI “At the Right Time: Eliminating Mismatch between Cash Flow and Credit Flow in Microcredit
E-22-012 Katsutoshi WAKAI “A Factor Pricing Model under Ambiguity:A Multi-Period Framework
E-22-011 Masayuki SATO, Shin KINOSHITA, Takanori IDA “Subjective Risk Valuation and Behavioral Change : Evidence from COVID-19 in the U.K. and Japan
E-22-010 Yuki SHIGETA “Existence of Invariant Measure and Stationary Equilibrium in a Continuous-Time One-Asset Aiyagari Model:A Case of Regular Controls under Markov Chain Uncertainty
E-22-009 Yuki SHIGETA “A Continuous-Time Utility Maximization Problem with Borrowing Constraints in Macroeconomic Heterogeneous Agent Models:A Case of Regular Controls under Markov Chain Uncertainty
E-22-008 Masaki KUSANO “Recognition versus Disclosure and Managerial Discretion: Evidence from Japanese Pension Accounting
E-22-007 Makoto HASEGAWA “Territorial Tax Reform and Profit Shifting by US and Japanese Multinationals
E-22-006 Takanori ADACHI “Recent Advances in the Theory of Third-Degree Price Discrimination: A Brief Survey
E-22-005 Andrew MACKENZIE, Yu ZHOU “Tract housing, the core, and pendulum auctions
E-22-004 Shin KINOSHITA, Masayuki SATO, Takanori IDA “Bayesian Probability Revision and Infection Prevention Behavior in Japan : A Quantitative Analysis of the First Wave of COVID-19
E-22-003 Takanori ADACHI, Mark J. TREMBLAY “Do No-Surcharge Rules Increase Effective Retail Prices?
E-22-002 Satoshi KAWAKATSU, Tomoki SEKIGUCHI “The development and reconceptualization of entrepreneurial resilience
E-22-001 Naoto JINJI, Xingyuan ZHANG, Shoji HARUNA “Do Deep Regional Trade Agreements Facilitate International Research Collaboration?



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■English (–>Japanese, Others)



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■English (–>Japanese, Others)



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■English (–>Japanese, Others)

No. Title
E-19-012 Andrew MACKENZIE, Yu ZHOU “Menu Mechanisms
E-19-011 Kenta TANAKA, Yukihide KURAKAWA, Takunori ISHIHARA, Ken-ichi AKAO, and Takanori IDA “Moral utility or Moral Tax? Experimental Study of Electricity Conservation by Social Comparison
E-19-010 Kazunobu HAYAKAWA, Naoto JINJI, Nuttawut LAKSANAPANYAKUL, Toshiyuki MATSUURA, and Taiyo YOSHIMI “A New Approach for Quantifying the Costs of Utilizing Regional Trade Agreements
E-19-009 Takunori ISHIHARA, Taro TOMIZUKA, Rei GOTO, and Takanori IDA “Nudging Physical Activity:A Randomized Controlled Field Experiment
E-19-008 Jiunyan WU and Tomoki SEKIGUCHI “Applications of Agent-Based Modeling and Simulation in Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: A Bibliometric Mapping Study, 2001-2019”
E-19-007 Masaki KUSANO and Yoshihiro SAKUMA “Recognition versus Disclosure and Audit Fees and Costs:Evidence from Pension Accounting in Japan
E-19-006 Takunori ISHIHARA and Takanori IDA “The Effect of Information Provision on Stated and Revealed Preferences:A Field Experiment on the Choice of Power Tariffs Before and After Japanese Retail Electricity Liberalization
E-19-005 Takanori IDA and Ryo OKUI “Can information alleviate overconfidence? A randomized experiment on financial market predictions
E-19-004 Yuki SHIGETA “Gain/Loss Asymmetric Stochastic Differential Utility
E-19-003 Yoshihiro TOKUGA, Toshitake MIYAUCHI, and Tomoaki YAMASHITA “Survey on Accounting for Goodwill
E-19-002 Larry KARP and Hiroaki SAKAMOTO “Sober optimism and the formation of international environmental agreements
E-19-001 Kayo MURAKAMI and Takanori IDA “Deregulation and status quo bias: Evidence from stated and revealed switching behaviors in the electricity market in Japan



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■English (–>Japanese, Others)



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■English (–>Japanese, Others)

No. Title
E-17-015 Koji SHINTAKU “A Note on the Degree of Scale Economies when Firms Make Technology Choice
E-17-014 Hiroaki SAKAMOTO and Ken-Ichi AKAO “A theory of disasters and long-run growth
E-17-013 Ayumu TANAKA “Why do Exporters and Multinational Firms pay higher Wages? Evidence from Japanese Linked Employer–Employee Data
E-17-012 Katsutoshi WAKAI “A Factor Pricing Model under Ambiguity
E-17-011 Shohei FUNATSU and Yasuo SUGIYAMA “Inherent logic multiplicity and deposition of institutional logic:Qualitative study on open innovation”
E-17-010 Shohei FUNATSU and Yasuo SUGIYAMA “Knowledge transfer obstructs knowledge application:Qualitative study on open innovation
E-17-007 Masaki Kusano “Does Recognition versus Disclosure Affect Risk Relevance?Evidence from Finance Leases in Japan
E-17-006 Xiaochun Huang and Akira Tanaka “Industrial Organization of China’s Steel Industry and the Restructuring of the Asia-Pacific Iron Ore Market
E-17-005 Akira Tanaka and Xiaochun Huang “Structural Change in Mass-Procurement Systems:
China’s Iron and Steel Industry and the Global Iron Ore Market
E-17-004 Toshifumi Kuroda Teppei Koguchi, and Takanori Ida “Identifying the Effect of Mobile Operating Systems on the Mobile Services Market
E-17-003 Isao Kamata,Hitoshi Sato, and Kiyoyasu Tanaka “The Internationalisation of Firms and Management Practices:A Survey of Firms in Viet Nam
E-17-002 Taro Abe “Egalitarian Policies and Effective Demand: Considering
Balance of Payments
E-17-001 Sven Rudolph, Elena Aydos, Takeshi Kawakatsu, and Achim Lerch “There Did All the Markets Go!
Or: Sustainable Carbon Markets and How to Get There



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■English (⇒Japanese, Others)

No. Title
E-16-016 Masaki Kusano “Effect of Capitalizing Operating Leases on Credit Ratings:
Evidence from Japan
E-16-015 Munechika Katayama, Kwang Hwan Kim “Uncertainty Shocks and the Relative Price of Investment Goods”
E-16-014 Hiroaki Sakamoto, Masako Ikefuji, Jan R. Magnus “Adaptation for mitigation”
E-16-013 Hiroaki Sasaki “Financialization and Distribution in a Kaleckian Model with Firms’ Debt Accumulation”
E-16-012 Emiko Inoue, “Environmental disclosure and innovation activity: Evidence from EU corporations”
E-16-011 Ayumu Tanaka,”Foreign Direct Investment and Temporary Workers in Japan”
E-16-010 Takanori Ida, Naoya Motegi, and Yoshiaki Ushifusa,”Behavioral Study of Personalized Automated Demand Response in Workplaces
E-16-009 Sven Rudolph, Achim Lerch, and Takeshi Kawakatsu,”Developing the North American Carbon Market:
Prospects for Sustainable Linking
E-16-008 Hiroaki Sasaki,”Increased Shareholder Power, Income Distribution, and Employment in a Neo-Kaleckian Model with Conflict Inflation
E-16-007 Hiroshi Nishi,”An empirical contribution to Minsky’s financial fragility: Evidence from non-financial sectors in Japan
E-16-006 Tadashi Sekiguchi, Katsutoshi Wakai,”Repeated Games with Recursive Utility: Cournot Duopoly under Gain/Loss Asymmetry
E-16-005 Yuki Shigeta,”Optimal Switching under Ambiguity and Its Applications in Finance
E-16-004 Yuki Shigeta,”Optimality of Naive Investment Strategies in Dynamic Mean-Variance Optimization Problems with Multiple Priors
E-16-003 Hiroshi Nishi,”Sources and Consequences of Productivity Growth Dynamics: Is Japan Suffering from Baumol’s Diseases?
E-16-002 Sven Rudolph,Toru Morotomi,”Acting Local! An Evaluation of the first Compliance Period of Tokyo’s Carbon Market
E-16-001 Masahiko Egami, Rusudan Kevkhishvili,”An Analysis of Simultaneous Company Defaults Using A Shot Noise Process






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■English (⇒Japanese)

No. Title
E-15-015 Se-il Mun, “Joint Provision of International Transport Infrastructure
E-15-014 Taro Abe, “Egalitarian Policies, Effective Demand, and Globalization:
Considering Budget Constraint
E-15-013 Masahiko Egami, Yuki Shigeta, Kazutoshi Wakai “An Irreversible Change of Correlations in the US Equities
Market and Difficulties in Using the Information
E-15-012 Naoto Jinji , Yoshihiro Mizoguchi “Rules of Origin and Technology Spillovers from Foreign Direct Investment under International Duopoly
E-15-011 Munechika Katayama , Kwang Hwan Kim “Inter-sectoral Labor Immobility,Sectoral Co-movement, and News Shocks
E-15-010 Katsutoshi Wakai, “Equilibrium Alpha in Asset Pricing in an Ambiguity-averse Economy
E-15-009 Sven Rudolph, Achim Lerch, “Just ETS? Social Justice and Recent Reforms in EU and US Carbon Markets
E-15-008 Emiko Inoue, “An empirical analysis on the relationship between emissions trading system and R&D investment
E-15-007 John X. LAMBINO, “The living space, and local and regional economy:An examination of human mobility and human living
E-15-006 Takanori Ida, Kayo Murakami , Makoto Tanaka, “Electricity demand response in Japan:Experimental evidence from a residential photovoltaic generation system
E-15-005 Shinya Fujita , “Mark-up Pricing, Sectoral Dynamics, and the Traverse Process in a Two-Sector Kaleckian Economy
E-15-004 John X. LAMBINO, “Political-Security, Economy, and Culture within the Dynamics of Geopolitics and Migration:On Philippine Territory and the Filipino People
E-15-003 Taro Abe, “Egalitarianism Policy and Effective Demand under Globalization
E-15-002 Natsuka Tokumaru , Hiroyuki Uni, “Fair Shares between Worker and Investor: Economic Experiments on Functional Income Distribution
E-15-001 Hiroshi Nishi , “Structural Change and Transformation of Growth Regime in the Japanese Economy



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No. Title
E-14-020 Norio Sawabe, “Value-driven responsibility accounting: dynamic tensions generated by competing values embedded in the management control system
E-14-019 Isao Kamata, “Labor Clauses in Regional Trade Agreements and Effects on Labor Conditions: An Empirical Analysis
E-14-018 Ryunosuke Sonoda, Hiroaki Sasaki, “Differences in Wage-Determination Systems between Regular and Non-Regular Employment in a Kaleckian Model
E-14-017 Hiroaki Sasaki, Shinya Fujita, “Demand and Income Distribution in a Two-Country Kaleckian Model
E-14-016 Naoto Jinji, Yoshihiro Mizoguchi, “Optimal Rules of Origin with Asymmetric Compliance Costs under International Duopoly
E-14-015 Kota Kitagawa, Arata Uemura, “General statutory minimum wage debate in Germany: Degrees of political intervention in collective bargaining autonomy
E-14-014 Wenjun Sun, Naoto Jinji, “The Effects of Emission Taxes on Pollution trough the Diffusion of Clean Technology: The Presence of Green Consumers
E-14-013 Kota Kitagawa, “An Analysis of J.R. Commons’s Changing Views on the Role of Sovereignty in the Political Economy”
E-14-012 Koji Shintaku, “The Division of Labor within Firms, Optimal Entry, and Firm Productivity”
E-14-011 Hiroshi Nishi, “Income Distribution and Economic Growth in a Multi-Sectoral Kaleckian Model”
E-14-010 Wenjie Wang, Takanori Ida, and Hideki Shimada “Default Effect versus Active Decision: Evidence from a Field Experiment in Los Alamos
E-14-009 Ryunosuke Sonoda, “Price and Nominal Wage Phillips Curves and the Dynamics of Distribution in Japan”
E-14-008 Natsuka Tokumaru, Hiroyuki Uni, “What is ‘Fair’ Distribution under Collaboration?:Evidences from Lab-Experiments”
E-14-007 Hiroaki Sasaki, “Is Growth Declining in the Service Economy?”
E-14-006 Naomi Fukuzawa, Takanori Ida, “Science linkages focused on star scientists in the life and medical sciences: The case of Japan”
E-14-005 YAN Chengnan, “Structural Changes in the Labor Market and Social Security System in China:From the Viewpoint of Flexicurity”
E-14-004 Natsuka Tokumaru, Fairness Ideals, Hidden Selfishness and Opportunist Behavior:An Experimental Approach
E-14-003 Takanori Ida, Kosuke Takemura, Masayuki Sato, “Inner Conflict between Nuclear Power Generation and Electricity Rates: A Japanese Case Study”
E-14-002 Masahiko Egami, Yuki Shigeta, Katsutoshi Wakai, “The change of correlation structure across industries:an analysis in the regime-switching framework”
E-14-001 Naoya Sueishi, Arihiro Yoshimura, “Focused Information Criterion for Series Estimation in Partially Linear Models”


■English (⇒Japanese)



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■English (⇒Japanese)

No. Title
E-12-014 Mitsuru Katagiri, Ryo Kato, and Takayuki Tsuruga, “Prudential Capital Controls: The Impact of Different Collateral Constraint Assumptions”
E-12-013 Ayumu Tanaka,“Geographic Concentration of Foreign Visitors to Japan”
E-12-012 Hiroaki Sakamoto, “A Dynamic Common-property Resource Problem with Potential Regime Shifts”
E-12-011 Naoto Jinji, “Comparative Statics for Oligopoly: A Generalized Result
E-12-010 Naoto Jinji, Xingyuan Zhang, Shoji Haruna, “Do Regional Trade Agreements Enhance International Technology Spillovers?
E-12-009  Hiroaki Sasaki, “International Trade and Industrialization with Negative Population Growth”
E-12-008  Hiroshi Nishi, “Varieties of Economic Growth Regimes, Types of Macroeconomic Policies,
and Policy Regime: A Post-Keynesian Analysis”
E-12-007  Hiroaki Sasaki and Shinya Fujita, “Income Distribution, Debt Accumulation, and Financial Fragility in a
Kaleckian Model with Labor Supply Constraints”
E-12-006 Hiroaki Sasaki, “Trade Patterns and Non-Scale Growth between Two Countries”
E-12-005  Hiroaki Sasaki, Ryunosuke Sonoda, and Shinya Fujita, “International Competition and Distributive Class Conflict in an Open Economy Kaleckian Model”
E-12-004  Alain Hourton,
“Income Inequality in Chile: 1990-2006”
E-12-003  Hiroaki Sasaki, Jun Matsuyama, and Kazumitsu Sako, “The Macroeconomic Effects of the Wage Gap between
Regular and Non-Regular Employment and Minimum Wages”
E-12-002  Ryo Kato and Takayuki Tsuruga, “Bank Overleverage and Macroeconomic Fragility”
E-12-001  Hiroshi Nishi, “On the Short-run Relationship between the Income Distribution- and Finance-Growth Regimes”


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No. Title
E-11-012  Takanori Ida  and N. Fukuzawa, “Effects of Large-Scale Research Funding Programs: A Japanese Case Study”
E-11-011  Takanori Ida Kayo Murakami, and Makoto Tanaka, “Keys to Smart Home Diffusion: A Stated Preference Analysis of Smart Meters, Photovoltaic Generation, and Electric/Hybrid Vehicles”
E-11-010  Takanori Ida, “Impatience and Immediacy: A Quasi-Hyperbolic Discounting Approach to Smoking Behavior”
E-11-009  Ayumu Tanaka,  “The Causal Effects of Exporting on Domestic Workers: A Firm-Level Analysis using Japanese Data”
E-11-008  Ayumu Tanaka,  “Firm Productivity and Foreign Direct Investment in the Services Sector: A Firm-Level Analysis using Japanese Data”
E-11-007 Hiroaki Sakamoto, “Directed Technical Change, Unilateral Actions, and Climate Change”
E-11-006  Naoto Jinji, Xingyuan Zhang, and Shoji Haruna, “The Effect of Regional Trade Agreements on Technology Spillovers through International Trade”
E-11-005  Mario J. Crucini, Mototsugu Shintani, and Takayuki Tsuruga, “Noisy Information, Distance and Law of One Price Dynamics Across US Cities”
E-11-004 Naoto Jinji,   “Fisheries Subsidies and Management in Open Economies”
E-11-003 Fukuda Jun, “Shareholder Structure and Dividend Rate in Japanese Firms: Analysis Using Panel Data
E-11-002  Hiroaki Sasaki, “Is the Long-run Equilibrium Wage-led or Profit-led? A Kaleckian Approach”
E-11-001 Shinya Fujita and Hiroaki Sasaki,  “Financialization and its Long-run Macroeconomic Effects in a Kalecki-Minsky Model”

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■English (⇒Japanese)

No. Title
E-10-016 Hiroshi Nishi, “Formalizing Debt-led and Debt-burdened Growth Regimes with Endogenous Macrodynamics of Minskian Financial Structure: A Long-run Analysis”
E-10-015 Hiroaki Sasaki, “Export of Deindustrialization and Anti-Balassa-Samuelson Effect: The Consequences of Productivity Growth Differential”
E-10-014  Ryo Kato and Takayuki Tsuruga, “The Safer, the Riskier: A Model of Bank Leverage and Financial Instability
E-10-013 Takanori Ida and Kazuhito Ogawa, “Inequality aversion rate, social discount rate, and time discount rates”
E-10-012 Toshifumi Kuroda and Takanori Ida, “Cultural determinants of countries management efficiency:A random coefficients stochastic frontier approach”
E-10-011 Masahiko Egami and Kazutoshi Yamazaki, “Solving Optimal Dividend Problems via Phase-Type Fitting Approximation
of Scale Functions”
E-10-010  Hiroaki Sasaki, “Endogenous Phase Switch in Baumol’s Service Paradox Model”
E-10-009  Naoki Wakabayashi, “Japanese Films Strike Back:Development of Promotional Alliances in the Japanese Film Industry in the 2000s”
E-10-008 Hiroaki Sasaki and Shinya Fujita, “The Importance of the Retention Ratio in a Kaleckian Model with Debt Accumulation”
E-10-007 Jouchi Nakajima, Nao Sudo and Takayuki Tsuruga, “How Well Do the Sticky Price Models Explain the Disaggregated Price Responses to Aggregate Technology and Monetary Policy Shocks?”
E-10-006 Naoto Jinji, Xingyuan Zhang, and Shoji Haruna, “Trade Patterns and International Technology Spillovers: Theory and Evidence from Patent Citations”
E-10-005 Masahiko Egami and Tadap Oryu, “Options on Multiple Assets in a Mean-Reverting Model”
E-10-004 Mario J. Crucini,Mototsugu Shintani and Takayuki Tsuruga, “Do Sticky Prices Increase Real Exchange Rate Volatility at the Sector Level?”
E-10-003 Masahiko Egami and Kaoru Hosono, “A Model for Bank’s Optimal Asset Securitization Program”
E-10-002 Hiroaki Sasaki, “Trade, Non-Scale Growth, and Uneven Development”
E-10-001 Masahiko Egami and Kazutoshi Yamazaki, “Precautionary Measures for Credit Risk Management in Jump Models”


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