京都大学 大学院経済学研究科・経済学部


Applied Microeconomics Seminar

Samuele Lo Piano(University of Reading)

2024.6.21 (Fri) 11:00-12:30
Room 207 on 2F, Research Bldg. No.14, Yoshida Campus, Kyoto University
Kenji Takeuchi

"Energy Demand and its Temporal Flexibility"

In this presentation, strategies to mitigate energy demand and adjust its temporal patterns will be explored, focusing primarily on residential settings. Automated technological solutions and monetary incentives aimed at encouraging behavior change among end users will be examined. An important observation is the potential conflicts between initiatives aimed at reducing overall energy demand and those targeting its temporal distribution.
The socio-economic factors influencing residential energy consumption patterns and temporal profiles will be analyzed using frameworks that integrate energy and social systems. The goal is to gain a comprehensive understanding of energy demand and its temporal dynamics to inform more effective strategies for managing energy demand and its flexibility over time. Special attention is given to social practice theory for its ability to capture the interactions between users and technology, with practical examples illustrating its theoretical principles and application.

Short bio:
Samuele Lo Piano is a researcher currently serving as a Research Fellow at the School of the Built Environment, University of Reading, United Kingdom.His research interests primarily revolve around the application of sensitivity analysis and uncertainty quantification methodologies to complex systems, particularly in the domains of energy policy, environmental sustainability, and urban development. He is passionate about unravelling the intricate relationships between societal metabolism, resource management, and policy decision-making processes.
Through his work, he aims to contribute to the development of robust and reliable models that can inform policies for a sustainable future.