京都大学 大学院経済学研究科・経済学部



Professor(Distinguished Research Professor for AY 2024)

Basic Information
  • Academic Degrees:
    Ph.D. Economics, University College London
  • Courses in charge:
    [Undergraduate] Labor Economics
    [Graduate] Labor Economics
  • Fields of Research:
    Applied Microeconometrics, Labor Economics
  • Keywords:
    Household Behavior, Economic Inequality
Selected Publications
  • Heterogeneous impact of the minimum wage: Implications for changes in between- and within-group inequality (with T. Oka), Journal of Human Resources, 2023.
  • Measuring energy-saving technological change: International trends and differences (with E. Inoue and H. Taniguchi), Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 2022.
  • Household sharing and commitment: Evidence from panel data on individual expenditures and time use (with J. Lise), Review of Economic Studies, 2019.
  • Tracing the impact of large minimum wage changes on household welfare in Indonesia, European Economic Review, 2016.
  • Wage, income and consumption inequality in Japan, 1991–2008: From boom to lost decades (with J. Lise, N. Sudo, M. Suzuki, and T. Yamada), Review of Economic Dynamics, 2014.
Membership of Professional Organizations
  • American Economic Association
  • Econometric Society

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