京都大学 大学院経済学研究科・経済学部


Management Seminar

Jean Clarke(Professor, Entrepreneurship and Organization, Emlyon Business School, France)

2024.6.25 (Tue) 15:00-16:30
Case Study Lecture Room on 3F, Research Bldg. No.2, Yoshida Campus, Kyoto University
Yutaka Yamauchi


"That’s a whole other story: How entrepreneurial stories are co-constructed between entrepreneurs and investors through alignment and affiliation in situated interactions"

Research emphasises storytelling as a key means through which entrepreneurs gain stakeholder support, yet current understandings of this process remain focused on stories presented by entrepreneurs to stakeholders with little attention directed to the role of the audience and how alignment and affiliation between the accounts of entrepreneurs and stakeholders occurs. In order to illustrate how both entrepreneurs and stakeholders respond to, reframe, and adjust during entrepreneurial story construction we conduct a discourse analysis of data of 20 investment pitches in the UK, focusing specifically on the naturally occurring interactions between entrepreneurs and investors during the “question and answer session” at the end of the investment pitch. We identify fours ways investors disrupted and entrepreneurs responded to these disruptions during the creation of entrepreneurial stories: Reformulation, Recontextualization, Recalling, Replotting. Our fine-grained discursive work contributes to existing research by repositioning stakeholders as active participants who play a crucial role in creating and influencing entrepreneurial narratives showing in micro-detail the joint construction of stories between investors and entrepreneurs, allowing us to unpack the rich, evolving balance between agreement and opposition that underlies interactions between entrepreneurs and the stakeholder audiences.

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