京都大学 大学院経済学研究科・経済学部


Management Seminar

Shirah Foy(Assitant Professor, Department of Strategy, Entrepreneurship & Innovation TBS Education in Toulouse, France)

2024.6.26 (Wed) 13:00-14:30
Case Study Lecture Room on 3F, Research Bldg. No.2, Yoshida Campus, Kyoto University
Yutaka Yamauchi


"Latent Hybridity: Driving Mission Drift at the Solar Impulse Foundation"


Hybrid organizations have been praised for their potential to effectively pursue multiple goals by combining plural logics, such as an economic logic paired with an environmental logic. Over the past decade, scholars have established hybrid organizations as being susceptible to challenges around the management of duality and theorized specific types of strategies to manage this. In doing so, extant work has made a number of assumptions about the nature of the duality within hybrid organizations, including that their missions are paradoxical, explicit, and understood across the organization—even if not embraced by all its members. In our 29-month qualitative field study of the Solar Impulse Foundation (SIF), we uncover an important type of hybridity—latent hybridity—that challenges many of the existing assumptions about hybridity in organizations. We examine (a) what it means to have an implicit, informal, unofficial mission, (b) how the implicit mission to maintain the founder’s public image was intentionally built-in to the SIF, (c) how the mutually reinforcing mechanism of the two missions works, and (d) why it was kept implicit. During our analysis of the SIF, we find latent hybridity at the origin of mission drift, the perception that an organization is straying from one or more of its espoused goals. Our study contributes to the literature on hybrid organizations by elaborating on latent hybridity, including how it differs from understandings of hybridity to-date. With this new understanding, we show how hybridity may be much more widespread among organizations than previously considered.

Shirah Foy is an Assistant Professor of Strategy, Entrepreneurship and Innovation at TBS Business School in Toulouse, France. Her research examines social psychological and contextual factors in entrepreneurship and innovation.

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