京都大学 大学院経済学研究科・経済学部


Management Seminar

Motoki Watabe(Professor, Sunway Business School, Sunway University, Malaysia)

2024.7.25 (Thu) 15:00-16:30
Case Study Lecture Room on 3F, Research Bldg. No.2, Yoshida Campus, Kyoto University
Yutaka Yamauchi


"Conditions under which "Good People" are Rewarded in Organizations: Experimental Studies"

Grant (2014) classified business persons in organizations into three types based on social exchange theory: namely Giver (cooperator), Give & Taker (reciprocator), and Taker (self-interested). He investigated the relationship between these types and their positions in the organization. The results showed that Givers held the lowest positions, followed by Takers, and then Give & Takers in ascending order. However, it was also revealed that many of those in the highest positions were Givers. Grant (2014) cited two reasons for the difference between the highest-ranking Givers and the lowest-ranking Givers: 1) Their social influence, which leads others to cooperate, and 2) Their flexibility to shift Takers to Give & Takers. However, neither Grant (2014) nor subsequent research has clearly identified the mechanisms supporting these characteristics. This study hypothesizes that "Givers can reveal the true nature of others because they are Givers" and conducted a series of psychological experiments to test this hypothesis. The results showed that Givers can: 1) Reveal the true intentions of others through their actions better than other types, and 2) Make these true intentions known to those around them. From these results, a new hypothesis was proposed: Givers in higher positions within organizations are more likely to detect the true nature of others by making some sacrifices themselves and can accurately convey this nature to those around them. The theoretical contribution of this study suggests that high-ranking Givers may possess unique cognitive traits. Practically, it highlights the importance of Givers observing their exchange partners to better understand their true intentions.

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