Basic Information
- Academic Degrees:
- University of Washington, Ph.D. (Business Administration)
- Courses in charge:
- [Undergraduate] Human Resource Management
- [Graduate] Human Resource Management (Graduate School of Economics, Graduate School of Management)
- Fields of Research:
- Human Resource Management,Organizational Behavior
- Keywords:
- International Human Resource Management, Cross-Cultural Organizational Behavior, Individuals and Organizations
Selected Publications
- International human resource management of Japanese multinational corporations: Challenges and future directions. Asian Business & Management, 15, 83-109, 2016 (with F. J. Froese, & C. Iguchi).
- Human resource management practices at foreign-affiliated companies in least-developed regions: US and Japanese companies in Nepal. Asian Business & Management, 15, 137-164, 2016 (with M. P. Maharjan).
- Human resource management of Japanese companies in Hungary: How do Japanese and the Hungarian styles blend? Journal of East-West Business, 22, 145-167, 2016 (with T. V. Grill & M. P. Maharjan).
- Bridge individuals in multinational organizations. Australasian Journal of Organisational Psychology, 9, 1-4, 2016.
- Employee commitment to corporate globalization: The role of English language proficiency and human resource practices. Journal of World Business, 50, 168-179, 2015 (with S. Yamao).
- The use of person-organization fit and person-job fit information in making selection decisions. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 116, 203-216, 2011 (with V. L. Huber).
- The role of job embeddedness on employee performance: The interactive effects with leader-member exchange and organization-based self-esteem. Personnel Psychology, 61, 761-792, 2008 (with J. P. Burton & C. J. Sablynski).
- How inpatriates internalize corporate values at headquarters: The role of developmental job assignments and psychosocial mentoring.
- Management International Review, 59(5), 825-853. (with N. Takeuchi, T. Takeuchi, S. Nakamura & A. Ebisuya).
- Attractiveness of Japanese firms to international job applicants: The effects of belongingness, uniqueness, and employment patterns. Asian Business & Management. (with L, Huang & Y. Yang).
Membership of Professional Organizations
- Academy of Management
- Academy of International Business
- American Psychological Association
- Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology
- Euro-Asia Management Studies Association
- Association of Japanese Business Studies
- Asia Academy of Management
- Japanese Association of Administrative Science
- Japanese Association of Industrial / Organizational Psychology
- The Behaviormetric Society of Japan
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