Special Features
JAPANESE PAGEFour Special Features
1. A 3-University Joint Degree from World-Renowned Universities

What is a Joint Degree (JD)?
A Joint Degree (JD) is a degree that is conferred jointly by more than one university in more than one country.
Unlike Double Degrees(DD)in which universities confer their own individual degree, a Joint Degree involves a greater level of coordination and integration amongst participating universities and so the degree is conferred jointly.
What is special about this JD program?
This JD program is provided by three world-renowned universities. Besides Kyoto University the members are:
【University of Glasgow】 What is special about this JD program?
【University of Barcelona】
2. The First JD in Japan which Benefits from a 7 University Consortium Network
What is the GLOCAL consortium?
GLOCAL Program
【GLOCAL Consortium Members: University of Glasgow(UK), University of Barcelona(Spain), Georg-August University Gottingen(Germany), Erasmus University Rotterdam(Netherlands), Kyoto University (Japan), Uppsala University (Sweden), University of Los Andes(Colombia)】
The first MA in Japan which is part of the EU Erasmus Mundus Program
Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters are high-level integrated study programs at master level. The program are designed and delivered by an international partnership of higher education institutions from different countries worldwide. Erasmus+ funds scholarships for students to take part in these programs. The masters program themselves offer these scholarships to the best-ranked student applicants worldwide, in annual application rounds.
3. A Real Global Education with Built-in Student Mobility
All students participating in the GLOCAL program, regardless of study track, will start their studies at the University of Glasgow, which gives all GLOCAL students the opportunity to study together and enables networking among students.In the second semester, students move to either the University of Barcelona (study tracks A-D) or Uppsala University (study tracks E-G) before another opportunity to study together at the summer school.
In the third semester, students progress to their next mobility in either Erasmus University Rotterdam (study track A and E), Georg-August University Gottingen (study tracks B and F), University of Los Andes/University of Glasgow (study tracks C and G), or Kyoto University (study track D) where they spent the third and forth semesters and complete their master’s thesis research.
With mobility like this built-in to the program structure, the JD program and wider GLOCAL program others a truly global educational experience.

4. Education for Global Professionals
With the globalization of business activities and socio-political issues, there is a growing demand for global human resources who possess specialized knowledge, analytical skills and receptiveness towards the diversity of local communities and social principles around the world.This program approaches local competitiveness from an evolutionary development perspective and takes into consideration both the perspective of business and the entrepreneurial ecosystem. It also stresses the importance of understanding the historical background/development of global and local intersections, as both a way to better grasp such socioeconomic and political issues and inform policy/solutions. The program’s curriculum is designed to cultivate students’ skills and knowledge in this regard so as to foster truly global professionals.
Human Resource Development
Social responsibility & research ethics: An awareness of social responsibility and research ethics.Knowledge in Economics & History: An understanding of local conditions and change in the face of globalization which is grounded in both historical and economic studies.
Analytical & critical thinking skills: Critical and analytical thinking on current social and organizational issues.
Academic & practical English skills: English and communication skills for both academic purposes and for effective communication in international settings.
International outlook & leadership: An international perspective and cross-cultural understanding which are essential for leadership in an international environment.
Scientifically rigorous MA thesis: A master’s thesis of scientific merit which contributes to academic knowledge and/or is of social significance.
Three Core Policies