Research Project on Renewable Energy Economics, Kyoto University




TOP > 【部門C】研究会メンバー > TRENCHER Gregory(トレンチャー・グレゴリー)

TRENCHER Gregory(トレンチャー・グレゴリー)


TRENCHER Gregory(トレンチャー・グレゴリー)






1. Trencher, G., Okubo, Y., and Mori, A. (2024) Phasing out carbon not coal? Identifying coal lock-in sources in Japan’s power utilities. Climate Policy (in press) **Access**

2. Barrett, B., Trencher, G., Truong, N., Ohta, H. (2024) How can cities achieve accelerated systemic decarbonization? Analysis of six frontrunner cities. Sustainable Cities and Society. 100: 105000. **Access**

3. Duygan, M., Aya, K., Temocin, P.,, Trencher, G., (2023) A tale of two coal regimes: What strategies do actors use to destabilise or maintain socio-technical regimes in Germany and Japan? Energy Research and Social Science, 5.  **Access**

4. Trencher, G., Blondeel, M. and Asuka, J. (2023). Do all roads lead to Paris? Comparing pathways to net-zero by BP, Shell, Chevron and ExxonMobil. Climatic Change, 176, 83. **Access** **Free view-only version*
==> Coverage in media of above article: : Carbon Brief

5. Trencher, G., Rinscheid, A., Rosenbloom, D., Florentine, K., Truong, N. & Temocin, P. (2023). "The evolution of “phase-out” as a bridging concept for sustainability: from pollution to climate change". One Earth, 6  **Free access (until Aug 24)**

6. Edianto, A., Trencher, G., Manych, N., & Matsubae, K. (2023). Forecasting coal power plant retirement ages and lock-in with random forest regression. Patterns, 0, 100776. **Open access**

7. Nakazawa, T., Satoh, K., Trencher, G., Tatsumi, T., Hasegawa, K (2023)., Net-zero carbon declarations by Japanese local governments: What caused the domino-like diffusion? Review of Policy Research 1-41 **Open access**

8. 中澤高師、Trencher, G., 辰巳智行、長谷川公一(2023)「気候変動政策の転換と2050年CO2排出量実質ゼロ宣言:垂直的波及と水平的波及の連鎖」『土木学会論文集』79( 4). **Access**

9. Trencher, G., Rinscheid, A., Rosenbloom, D. & Truong, N. (2022). The rise of phase-out as a critical decarbonisation approach: A systematic review. Environmental Research Letters, 17, 123002. **Open access**

10. 辰巳智行、中澤高師、佐藤圭一、野澤淳史、池田和弘、喜多川進、小西雅子、トレンチャー・グレゴリー、平尾桂子、長谷川公一(2020)「地方自治体の2050年二酸化炭素排出実質ゼロ宣言:気候変動政策に関する自治体調査から」『情報学研究』26: p. 1-22. **Open access**

11. Trencher, G., Rinscheid, A., Duygan, M., Truong, N., Asuka, J. (2020) "Revisiting carbon lock-in in energy systems: Explaining the perpetuation of coal power in Japan". Energy Research and Social Science. 69, 101770. **Open access**

12. Trencher, G. (2020) "Accelerating the production and diffusion of fuel cell vehicles: Experiences from California". Energy Reports 6: 2503-2519. **Open access**

13. Kurniawan, R., Trencher, G. Edianto, A. Setiawan, I., Matsubae, K. (2020) Understanding the multi-faceted drivers of increasing coal consumption in Indonesia. Energies 13(14): **Open access**

14. Trencher, G. Taeihagh, A., Yarime, M. (2020) Overcoming Barriers to Developing and Diffusing Fuel-Cell Vehicles: Governance Strategies and Experiences in Japan. Energy Policy, 142. **Access**

15. Trencher, G. Downie, C. Asuka, J., Hasegawa, R. (2020) Divestment Trends in Japan’s International Coal Businesses. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. **Access**

16. Trencher, G., N. Healy, K. Hasegawa, Asuka, A. (2019) “Discursive resistance to phasing out coal-fired electricity: Narratives in Japan's coal regime”. Energy Policy, 132, 782-796. **Access**

17. Trencher, G., J. Van der Heijden, J. (2019) “Contradictory but also complementary: National and local imaginaries in Japan and Fukushima around transitions to hydrogen and renewables” Energy Research & Social Science, 49, 209-218. **Access**

18. Trencher, G., Van der Heijden, J. (2019) “Instrument interactions and relationships in policy mixes: Achieving complementarity in building energy efficiency policies in New York, Sydney and Tokyo”. Energy Research & Social Science, 54, 34-45. **Access**



