Research Project on Renewable Energy Economics, Kyoto University




TOP > 【部門B】研究会メンバー > Joseph DELLATTE



Institut Montaigne
Research fellow
Climate, Energy and Environment in the Asia Program


Institut Montaigne
Research fellow
Climate, Energy and Environment in the Asia Program


International governance of carbon markets policies / Barriers to international collaborations in carbon pricing policies


Dellatte J., Rudolph S.,” “The way of the Dragon: China’s new Emissions Trading Scheme and the prospects for Linking”, in Environmental Tax Studies for the Ecological Transition. Comparative Analysis Addressing Urban Concentration and Increasing Transport Challenges. Villar M. (Ed.), Camara C. (Cd.) Thomson Reuters, 2019. ISBN: 978-84-9197-699-8.

Dellatte J., Rudolph S.,” Linking ETS in East Asia: Process, Alignments and future Management.”, in Climate and Energy policies in the EU, Korean and China – transition, policy cooperation and linking. Weishaar S. (Ed.), Kim. (Ed.), Tiche (Ed.). Edward Elgar, 2019.

Dellatte J., “The Chinese National Carbon Market”, at the Research conference at Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok, Thailand the 18-19 February 2018

Dellatte J., “Self, Other and Community in tackling Climate Change: The transparency and sustainability of Carbon markets in China.” Presented at the 11th Next Generation Global Workshop held at Kyoto University the 10th and 11th of November 2018.

Dellatte J., “Chinese National ETS and its potential future linking”. Presented at the 19th Global Conference on Environmental Taxation (GECT19), on Environmental Tax Challenges in the 21st Century – Urban Concentration and increasing Transport CEU, San Pablo University, Madrid, Spain, in September 26-28 2018

Dellatte J., “Understanding the barriers to linking domestic cap-and-trade systems in East-Asia: Evidence from a survey”. Presented at the 2nd biennial symposium of the Canadian Society of Ecological Economics, Waterloo University, Toronto, Canada, held online in June 25-26 2020

