


タイトル 著者 ISBN
Smile pricing explained Peter Austing 9781137335722


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Contemporary Economic Geographies : Inspiring, Critical and Plural Perspectives Jennifer Johns and Sarah Marie Hall 9781529220599


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オンラインプラットフォームの経営 : ユーザー参加を促すメカニズムのデザイン 西山浩平 9784561287513
データ利活用の教科書 : データと20年向き合ってきたマクロミルならではの成功法則 マクロミル, 渋谷智之 9784798175843
The future of recruitment : using the new science of talent analytics to get your hiring right Franziska Leutner, Reece Akhtar, Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic 9781838675592
Open Innovation Ecosystems : Creating New Value Constellations in the Financial Services Daniel Fasnacht 9783319763941
Entrepreneurship and the creation of organization (Routledge studies in entrepreneurship) Daniel Hjorth and Robin Holt 9781315714455


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Routledge handbook of social and sustainable finance Othmar M. Lehner 9781317678823
Process industry economics : principles, concepts and applications David Brennan 9780128195604


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Yin Yang and organizational performance : five elements for improvement and success Kris M. Y. Law, Marko Kesti. 9781447163893


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Applied welfare economics : cost-benefit analysis of projects and policies Massimo Florio and Chiara Pancotti 9781000633177
Doing Statistical Analysis : a student’s guide to quantitative research Christer Thrane 9781000620641
Fixed income securities : tools for today’s markets Bruce Tuckman, Angel Serrat 9781119835608


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ケムブリジ資本論争 改訳版 G.C.ハーコート著 ; 神谷伝造訳 9784818801486
経済学のためのゲーム理論入門 ロバート・ギボンズ著, 福岡 正夫, 須田 伸一 翻訳 9784000614245
現代アジア経済論 : 「アジアの世紀」を学ぶ 遠藤環、伊藤亜聖、大泉啓一郎、後藤健太 9784641184428
グローバル経済の歴史 河﨑信樹、村上衛、山本千映 9784641221482
日本経済史-近世から現代まで- 沢井実、谷本雅之 9784641164888
An Economist’s Guide to Economic History Matthias Blum and Christopher L. Colvin 9783319965673
Chinese Business History: Interpretive Trends and Priorities for the Future Robert Gardella, Jane K. Leonard, Andrea McElderry 9781315502175
Communication in Organizations : Basic Skills and Conversation Models(2nd edition) Van der Molen, Henk T./Gramsbergen-Hoogland, Yvonne 9781315147963
Business Basics for Private Practice : A Guide for Mental Health Professionals Edited ByD. Bartolucci Anne 9781315472058
Introduction to Econometrics (4th edition, Global Edition) James Stock and Mark Watson 9781292264455
Econometric Analysis of Cross Section and Panel Data (2nd edition) Jeffrey M. Wooldridge 9780262232586
Management Control Systems (2e) Frank Hartmann, Kalle Kraus, Göran Nilsson, Robert Anthony, and Vijay Govindarajan 9781526848314
Levers of Organization Design: How Managers Use Accountability Systems for Greater Performance and Commitment Robert Simons 9781591392835


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Making global MBAs : the culture of business and the business of culture Andrew Orta 9780520974258
Russia’s crony capitalism : the path from market economy to kleptocracy Anders Aslund 9780300244861
The price of aid : the economic cold war in India David C. Engerman 9780674986084


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Dynamics of international business : comparative perspectives of firms, markets and entrepreneurship Andrea Colli 9780415559164
Empirical development economics Måns Söderbom … [et al.] 9780415810487
Organizations in action : social science bases of administrative theory James D. Thompson 9780765809919
Urban economic theory : land use and city size Masahisa Fujita 9780511625862
Women and the labour market in Japan’s industrialising economy : the textile industry before the Pacific War Janet Hunter 9780415297318
The rise of the global company : multinationals and the making of the modern world Robert Fitzgerald 9780521849746


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アナリストのための財務諸表分析とバリュエーション S.H. ペンマン著 ; 荒田映子 [ほか] 訳 9784641165236
イノベーションの普及における正当化とフレーミングの役割 : 「自分へのご褒美」消費の事例から 鈴木智子著 9784561266129
ケインズを読み直す : 入門現代経済思想 根井雅弘著 9784560095577
環境経済学をつかむ 第3版 栗山浩一, 馬奈木俊介著 9784641177246
実証から学ぶ国際経済 清田耕造, 神事直人著 9784641165175
制度変化の会計学 : 会計基準のコンバージェンスを見すえて 藤井秀樹著 9784502276309
組織・コミュニティデザイン = Organization and community design 山内裕, 平本毅, 杉万俊夫著 9784320006010
日本経済史 武田晴人著 9784641165281
経済学 諸富徹著 9784000283250
Economic development [13th ed.] Michael P. Todaro, Stephen C. Smith 9781292291154
International economics : theory & policy [11th ed.] Paul R. Krugman, Maurice Obstfeld, Marc J. Melitz 9781292214870

2019.1.10   Oxford Handbooks Online (Business & Management分野)

タイトル 著者 ISBN
The Oxford handbook of organizational decision making Hodgkinson, Starbuck 9780199290468
The Oxford handbook of business and government Coen, Grant, Wilson 9780199214273
The Oxford handbook of business and the natural environment Bansal, Hoffman 9780199584451
The Oxford handbook of business groups Colpan, Hikino, Lincoln 9780199552863
The Oxford handbook of business history Jones, Zeitlin 9780199263684
The Oxford handbook of comparative institutional analysis Morgan 9780199233762
The Oxford handbook of corporate social responsibility Crane … [et al.]. 9780199211593
The Oxford handbook of critical management studies Alvesson, Bridgman, Willmott 9780199595686
The Oxford handbook of entrepreneurship Casson … [et al.] 9780199546992
The Oxford handbook of human capital Burton-Jones, Spender 9780199532162
The Oxford handbook of human resource management Boxall, Wright 9780199547029
The Oxford handbook of information and communication technologies Mansell … [et al.] 9780199548798
The Oxford handbook of innovation Fagerberg, Mowery, Nelson 9780199286805
The Oxford handbook of international business. 2nd ed Rugman 9780199234257
The Oxford handbook of inter-organizational relations Cropper … [et al.] 9780199282944
The Oxford handbook of management consulting Kipping, Clark 9780199235049
The Oxford handbook of management information systems : critical perspectives and new directions Galliers, Currie 9780191728402
The Oxford handbook of organizational well-being Cartwright, Cooper 9780199211913
The Oxford handbook of organization theory Tsoukas, Knudsen 9780199275250
The Oxford handbook of participation in organizations Wilkinson … [et al.] 9780199207268
Oxford handbook of pensions and retirement income Clark, Munnell, Orszag 9780199272464
The Oxford handbook of personnel psychology Cartwright, Cooper 9780191577093
The Oxford handbook of project management Morris, Pinto, Söderlund 9780199563142
The Oxford handbook of public management Ferlie, Lynn, Jr. and Pollitt. 9780199226443
The Oxford handbook of regulation Baldwin, Cave, Lodge 9780199560219
The Oxford handbook of sociology and organization studies : classical foundations Adler 9780199535231
The Oxford handbook of strategic sales and sales management Cravens, Le Meunier-FitzHugh, Piercy 9780191724886
The Oxford handbook of strategy Faulkner, Campbell 9780191577215
The Oxford handbook of work and organization Ackroyd 9780199299249


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Essentials of Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering Bayin 9780470343791
Risk and Financial Management – Mathematical and Computational Methods Tapiero 9780470849088
A First Course in Stochastic Models Tijms 9780471498803
Financial Derivatives in Theory and Practice Rev Hunt 9780470863589
Mathematical Finance: Theory Modeling Implementation Online Version Fries 9780470047224
Stochastic Processes for Insurance and FinanceoBook Rolski 9780471959250
Quantitative Finance: Its Development Mathematical Foundations and Current Scope Epps 9780470431993