Economics Library will open from Monday, June 1 with following restricted services.
Preventive measures against COVID-19 (after June 1)
Economics Library is closed from Friday, April 10. This is a measure to further reduce settings where many and unspecified people gather and to secure the safety of our community members, responding to the growing concern over the spread of COVID-19 and the declaration of the state of emergency on April 7.
We sincerely apologize the inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your kind cooperation.
For only members of Kyoto University, following service is provided.
1. Borrowing
・Send email to the below email address to reserve item(s) by one day before. Subject should be “Borrowing request”.
・State clearly in the email your name, student ID, title(s), volume number(s) and item ID(s).
・Sending email address: 040etsuran[at]mail2.adm.kyoto-u.ac.jp (Economics Library)
※replace [at] with @
・We will email you after reserving your item(s). Then you can pick up the item(s) from 13:00 on the next opening day for one week at Economics Library’s service counter which is open from 10:00 to 16:00. Please bring your library user card (student/faculty ID) with you.
・You can reserve up to 10 items at once.
・Borrowing limits are below. Number in red is extended than normal rule.
*Books sealed in purple are treated as textbook, which can be borrowed for 2 weeks and can be renewed one time. Journals are not for borrowing.
Affiliation (Kyoto University) | Books | Circulation | |
Graduate School ofEconomics
Graduate School ofManagement School of Government |
Professor, Associate Professor, Lecture, Assistant Professor |
200 volumes | 1 year |
Graduate Student | 50 volumes | 3 months | |
Undergraduate Student, Research Student | 20 volumes | 1 month | |
Graduate School of Law | Professor, Associate Professor, Lecture, Assistant Professor |
50 volumes | 6 months |
Graduate Student | 30 volumes | 3 months | |
Others | Professor, Associate Professor, Lecture, Assistant Professor |
20 volumes | 1 months |
Graduate Student、Undergraduate Student | 10 volumes | 2 weeks |
・You can renew your loan online through MyKULINE if no one else has requested it.
2. Returning
・Return the item(s) to the book post. It is at the entrance.
・You can also return them by postal mail or other delivery services. Users are to pay the delivery fee.
・Sending Address: Economics Library, Kyoto University
Yoshida Honmachi, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8501, Japan
TEL 075-753-3412
・Pack the library materials appropriately so that they are not damaged in transit.
・Specify on the package that library materials are inside.
・Keep the copy of the delivery invoice in case of accidents.
【Economics Library】 (2020.5.19)