Preventive measures against COVID-19 (after June 1, 2020)

Resumed visiting use by non-KU members from December 1, 2021.
Non-KU members can stay at the reading room up to two hours between 9:00 and 17:00 on weekdays in order to read reserved items. Please apply for a reservation until three opening days before your visit via your university library or a public library. For details, please visit here. (2021.11.24)

Economics Library opens with following restricted services.
Thank you very much for your understanding.

1. Opening Hours

Monday to Friday: 9:00-20:00
Saturday: 13:00-17:00
*Sunday and Holiday: CLOSED

2. Users

・Kyoto University members
・[After December 1, 2021] Non-KU members who applied for a visiting reservation
*For reservation, please visit here.

3. In Library Room

Seats in the library room are only for members of Graduate School of Economics, Faculty of Economics, Graduate School of Management and professor emeritus of Kyoto University. Application is required. Please ask to the library desk.

・PC terminals are not available except two PCs.

・Users can browse shelves at the reading room and the stack but please not stay long time.

4. Borrowing

・Borrowing limits are below. (Number in red is extended than normal rule.)
*Books sealed in purple are treated as textbook, which can be borrowed for 2 weeks and can be renewed one time. Journals are not for borrowing.

Affiliation (Kyoto University)   Books Circulation
Graduate School of Economics

Graduate School of Management

School of Government

Full-time faculty
e.g. Professor, Associate Professor, Lecturer, and Assistant Professor
200 volumes 1 year
Part-time faculty
e.g. Part-time lecturer, Visiting faculty (researcher), Specially-appointed faculty (researcher), Medical staff/resident, Foreign researcher, Research scientist, etc.
30 volumes 6 months
Full-time and part-time staff 20 volumes 1 month
Graduate students, Trainees 50 volumes 3 months
Undergraduate students, Research students 20volumes 1 month
Professor emeritus 20 volumes 3 months
Graduate School of Law Full-time faculty 50 volumes 6 months
Part-time faculty 20 volumes 1 month
Full-time and part-time staff 10 volumes 1 month
Graduate students 30 volumes 3 months
Undergraduate students 10 volumes 2 weeks
Professor emeritus 10 volumes 2 weeks
Others  Full-time and part-time faculty 20 volumes 1 month
Full-time and part-time staff 10 volumes 1 month
Graduate and undergraduate students 10 volumes 2 weeks
Professor emeritus 10 volumes 2 weeks


Place a Hold Service

In order to shorten staying library, we accept loan requests by e-mail. If you wish to do so, please follow the format below and contact us at least one day in advance. You can reserve up to 10 items at once.

To: 040etsuran[at] (Economics Library) *replace [at] with @
Subject: Borrowing request
your name:              
student ID:               
volume number(s):               
material ID(s):               

 We will email you after reserving your items. Then you can pick up the items at Economics Library’s service counter after 1 P.M. on the next opening day for one week*. Please bring your library user card (student/faculty ID) with you.
*Journals are for three opening days only.

5. Returning

・Return the item(s) to the book post. It is at the entrance.
・You can also return them by postal mail or other delivery services.
e.g. Yu-Pack (parcel), Letter Pack

Users are to pay the delivery fee.

・Sending Address: Economics Library, Kyoto University
Yoshida Honmachi, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8501, Japan
TEL 075-753-3412

・Pack the library materials appropriately so that they are not damaged in transit.
・Specify on the package that library materials are inside.
・Keep the copy of the delivery invoice in case of accidents.

6. Renewing

・The loan period can be renewed the following number of times. (Number in red is extended than normal rule.)
・Please renew your loan period online through MyKULINE before the due date.
・The renewal period is the period from the date the renewal process is executed
・If someone has reserved the book, it cannot be renewed.
・If you have a book that is overdue, you cannot renew it.

Loan period Renewal period Maximum number of renewals
Within 1 year 6 months 1 time
Within 6 months 3 months 1 time
Within 3 months 3 months 2 times
Within 1 month 1 month 2 times
Within 2 weeks 2 weeks 2 times

7. Materials

・Journals can be borrowed only for one day. Please make sure return it 15 minutes before closing. *Latest issue (new arrival) cannot be borrowed or copied.
・For reading rare materials, application is required. Please visit here.
・Microfilm reader can be used in short time.

8. Preventive measures required

In order to prevent the spread of the COVID-19, please continue to act carefully.

– Those suspected to be infected and those with symptoms typically caused by COVID-19 are not admitted to the library.
– Wash hands.
– Wear a mask.
– Keep a distance from other users.
– Leave the library immediately after borrowing library items.


【Economics Library】 (last update: 2022.04.22)
