Kazuhiro Yuki               Japanese Page

Professor of Economics, Faculty of Economics, Kyoto University, Japan


Fields of Interests: Economic Growth and Development, Labor Economics

E-mail: yuki@econ.kyoto-u.ac.jp

Mailing Address: Faculty of Economics, Kyoto University, Yoshida-hommachi, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto, 606-8501, Japan

Phone: +81-75-753-3532


Education: Ph.D in Economics, University of Rochester, 2002


Refereed Journal Publications:

·         Equity and Efficiency Effects of Redistributive Policies (with Ananth Seshadri), Journal of Monetary Economics 51 (7), 1415-1447, 2004.

·         Savings, Intergenerational Transfers, and the Distribution of Wealth (with Ignacio Ponce-Ocampo), Macroeconomic Dynamics 10 (3), 371-414, 2006.

·         Urbanization, Informal Sector, and Development, Journal of Development Economics 84 (1), 76-103, 2007.

·         Determinants of Sectoral Composition in a Small Open Economy: Theoretical and Quantitative Investigations of the Philippines, The Developing Economies 47 (4), 391-436, 2007.

·         Sectoral Shift, Wealth Distribution, and Development, Macroeconomic Dynamics 12 (4), 527-559, 2008.

·         Education, Inequality, and Development in a Dual Economy, Macroeconomic Dynamics 20 (1), 27-69, 2016, Appendix C, Appendix D

·           Modernization, Social Identity, and Ethnic Conflict, European Economic Review 130, 103919, 2021. Supplementary Analysis for Section 5.2

·          Is Bilingual Education Desirable in Multilingual Countries?, The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy 22(4), 884-949, 2022.  WP version, Appendix D.

         Language Education and Economic Outcomes in a Bilingual Society, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 226, 106688, 2024. WP version, Appendix C.


Other Publications in English:

        Effects of the Size of a Country on Its Economic Performance (with Zhiwei Cen), In: Tadokoro M., Egashira S., Yamamoto K. (eds) Emerging Risks in a World of Heterogeneity-Interactions Among Countries with Different Sizes, Polities and Societies, Springer, February 2018.


     Working Papers:

·         Roles of the Extent of the Market and Skill Specialization in Development, 2005.

·         Government and Human Capital in a Model of Development through Modernization and Specialization, December 2009.

·         Education, Signaling, and Wage Inequality in a Dynamic Economy, July 2009.

·         Stereotypes, Segregation, and Ethnic Inequality, March 2017.

·         Mechanization, Task Assignment, and Inequality, March 2022, Proofs of Propositions 4-7.

        Fertility, Childbearing Age, and Education, 2020 (with Chen Wu).

        Social Identity, Redistribution, and Development, March 2024.

        Cultural Difference, Social Identity, and Redistribution, July 2024, Appendix C.



Working Papers:


FRB Minneapolis


Economic Research Network (ERN)


Resources for Economists:

Resources for Economists on the Internet 

WebEc: List of Economic Journals

Economic Growth Resources

Quantitative Macroeconomics and Real Business Cycle Homepage 

Economic History Services


Economic Data:

Statistical Resources on the Web (University of Michigan)

U.S. Government Statistics (PublicAdministration.net)

OECD Statistics

Penn World Table

Barro-Lee Data Set on International Measures of Schooling Years and Schooling Quality

Foreign Labor Statistics, BLS

ILO Labor Statistics

Occupational Wages around the World (OPP) Database

FRED (FRB St. Louis)


NBER Macrohistory Database

IMF Country Reports

IMF World Economic Reports



RFE: Economics Teaching Resources

Essential Principles of Economics: A Hypermedia Text

Jokes about Economists and Economics